In today’s social media-driven world, flattering photos are a must. Everyone wants to look gorgeous all the time. But how, exactly, are you supposed to create photos that show you in the best light possible?
Well, you’re about to find out. In this post, we take a look at some photographer tricks that help make you look gorgeous every time.
Make Your Hands More Active
Next time you find a celeb photo that you love, take a look at what people are doing with their hands. More often than not, they’re active, not just hanging down limply by their sides.
A good place to put your hands is on your waist, behind your back or even in your pockets if you’re wearing the right outfit. If you’re still struggling, you can always fold your arms.
Pick An Outfit That Makes You Pop
We all have our favorite color of clothing. As everyone knows, some are better than others at bringing out your natural beauty. Be prepared to spend some time experimenting. It’s not always obvious which tone suits you the most since it depends on a wide range of factors.
Choose An Angle That Suits You Best
Just look at the average Instagram profile picture and you’ll soon discover that everyone looks good from above. The higher angle helps to flatter the eyes and makes the chin appear smaller. It also helps in terms of lighting, making it less likely that you’ll have multiple shadows cast on your face.
If you’re shooting your entire body, stand in a way that is more flattering for you. Those who have curvy hips and legs, for instance, tend to look best when photographed side-on instead of directly facing the camera.
Actually Smile
Everyone has a photograph smile for social media. But, unfortunately, it never quite lives up to the real thing. It always feels forced.
Whenever you get into a photograph situation, try to flood your body with happy emotions. This way, a smile should appear more naturally on your face, engaging the right facial muscles.
If you don’t want to smile for some reason, focus on other ways of making the photo more flattering. Things like leaving your mouth slightly ajar can help in some situations, especially if you are taking close-up shots of your face.
If you’re still struggling to smile, try pushing your tongue forward against the roof of your mouth. This helps to lift the cheeks and make you feel slightly less miserable.
Light From All Angles
If you just get lighting from above, it’ll cast shadows on your face and you won’t get the look that you want. Instead, look for environments where light is bouncing off your face from all angles. Weirdly, cloudy days are really good in this respect. Light tends to be more diffuse, illuminating the crevices of your face from top, bottom and both sides.
Put On The Mascara
Lastly, if you want your eyes to pop, be sure to put on your mascara. It’s so simple, yet so effective.