Film Synopsis:
In Slugterra Return of the Elementals, a new member joins the Shane Gang. Junjie is a master of the mysterious slugslinging art of Slug Fu. But even with the power of five slugslingers working together, the Shane Gang find themselves in over their heads as they race to protect the ancient Elemental Slugs from an evil alliance set on using them to destroy the 99 caverns. Run Time: 70 minutes, Not Rated.
Slugterra is a different sort of sci-fi animated show where the characters fight against each other with high-power blasters filled with slugs. You read that correctly, SLUGS! After the slugs are fired they turn into high-powered beasts.This Disney XD animated series is one that, if you have boys, they are going to want to watch The entire idea of slinging slugs at one another is something they find intriguing. I would suggest that you tell them they cannot actually go out and sling slugs at one another. We had a slight incident!
In Slugterra Return of the Elementals, a new member gets introduced to the Eli and Shang Gang! The movie is filled with wonderful names like Redhook, Junjie, the Shane Gang. The kids really enjoyed this and are now watching it regularly on Disney XD.