In my own we love sodas. I know they are not good for us but I feel like a hypocrite telling my children how awful they are while sucking them down myself. I do try to limit the number we drink daily and because I am so free about them my children tend to drink less of them. They just don’t have the appeal because they’re not forbidden.
When Soda Stream agreed to work with me I was both thrilled and nervous. Thrilled because I have always wanted to try my hand at making my own sodas and nervous because I had recently managed to catch my stove on fire so how was I going to manage a machine?
Soda Stream sent me one of their Fountain Jets complete with a carbonation canister and several mixes to test. I like the black because it matched all my other appliances in the kitchen. There are no cords! The canister makes it work which is another plus. I only have 2 outlets in my kitchen other than the stove and fridge outlets. I also received 2 plastic reusable 1 liter bottles to make my soda in. First I did NOT blow anything up. The process is simple you fill the plastic bottle to the fill line with water, screw it into the machine, push the button three times to add carbonation, then unscrew and add your soda syrup or flavor water syrup. Second, a couple of things: I found that if I filled the bottles to just under the water fill mark there was less likely a chance of it shooting out. Also when you push the button you are waiting for it to make a noise. trust me you’ll know the noise, it startled me. Lastly when the instructions say tilt the water bottle to add syrup–TILT IT. Don’t get carried away or you’ll be cleaning soda off the ceiling. There are several other designs for you to choose from depending upon your style.
I received a variety of sodamix flavors to try out and I must tell you it has been a bit of a trial and error. The instruction stat that you add a capful of the syrup but I have discovered that with some flavors slightly more is needed while with others slightly less. The regular soda flavor is great. We love it. It takes as good as a generic or store brand soda. The root beer flavor is another flavor although it is one of those that I had to play with to get it just right. The cranberry raspberry was something new and different for us and another that I played with to make it perfect. So as you can see it’s all about tastes. You want more flavor and less carbonation then you can do that. If you want the other way around, no problem either.
Soda Stream also has MyWater Essence Flavors. I received their variety pack and like the soda mixes it was a trial and error. The instructions for these say you simply add 1/2 teaspoon of mix. I found that if I lowered the number of pushes with the carbonation and slightly more mix that I had a great flavored water.
{PROS} You get to make your own soda! You save money and decide your flavors.
{CONS} None! You and your family will love this.
{SHOP} You ca shop Soda Stream’s Online Store or locate a storenear you that carries Soda Stream products.
We have one of these and the kids love it…a great conversation piece for get togethers with friends. And they keep adding new flavors now…some more natural. I forget about buying the flavor packs. Have to remember that for birthday parties!