You read that correctly, sometimes even I curse. I know! I know! What sort of mother says those sort of words around her children? Honestly, a realistic one. Those words occasionally slip out and when they do even the kids take the time to tell me I need my mouth washed out with soap. The funny thing is there are some words that I will say that really aren’t curse words but my nieces and nephews will tell me I shouldn’t say it.
Yes I Can Say That!
I have the worst habit of saying “Shut Up” especially to my sister and anytime that phrase comes out of my mouth the kids all go into fits. I learned that they are not allowed to use this phrase at school because it is rude. Okay I will give them that because it is a little rude but I can’t not say it to my sister. It is my right to say that since I am older than her. Also lets face it how many parents have had all the screaming and arguing up to here and that phrase come out? It happens!
Remember When
How many of you grew up with the “Do as I say not as I do” method of parenting? I can remember growing up hearing various expletive adjectives used and never repeating them. My dad was in the service and we grew up around military men who use those words often. We knew they were words we shouldn’t say and so we didn’t. In fact I think the first time I ever used a curse word around my father I was 22 and it slipped out before I could stop myself. I remember looking up at him with wide eyes just waiting for him to give me the look. You know the look that parents give when they are disappointed in you? It never came though. I do remember another time when I told my younger brother to “Lick my Booty” (I said that exactly I promise) and got the “What did you say” from the front seat of the car.
It Happens
For me and most likely for many others those words just happen. It isn’t like we set out to say them. They come out and there is nothing we can do. All we can do is move on. Luckily for me the kids know that those words aren’t nice to say and we haven’t had a problem. I do work hard to not have a potty mouth but it happens from time to time. Don’t judge me please!
I’ve heard worse out of ladies that are very close to me and my Mom snaps at really isn’t lady like. I’ve use the term Shut Up more than once but only when there is bickering and I cannot stand to hear happens
You’re right it isn’t lady like at all and as I said not something I was raised to do. In fact I have noticed that in the last few years it has become more than it should.
Guilty! Sometimes I let a few naughty words slip out. I just hope my son doesn’t repeat what he hears!
I guess I am lucky in that there has only been one or two incidents where the words have been repeated and the first time wasn’t even something I had said. I had Indiana Jones playing on the television and Sam repeated the one dang bad word in that whole movie.
I’ve had to apologize to the kids for saying something that either we or the school has forbidden. I have to apologize a lot:)
That’s okay! IT happens and I was surprised there were some fairly common phrases that the school doesn’t allow. Not the swear words I get that.
I do, my son has picked up on it. My husband makes a big deal out of it when I actually do. So my son thinks it is funny. If he would just let it go then my son would not realize it.
Yeah I really try not to make a big deal out of it so they won’t.
My kids are the ultimate swear patrol – I slip occasionally and they call me on it instantly! They both go to catholic school so I love that they don’t like to hear that.
I am too guilty I always use the phrase I love Jesus but I cuss a little , I think it helps me when I get so wound up and then the words just come out I feel guilty but I also feel better like its a release but we all make mistakes.