The ebook revolution has been driven mainly by fiction, especially popular genres such as romance and thrillers. But at Clic-books DM we’ve been looking at other ways to exploit reading on a small screen.
We publish ebooks for people learning languages. This is quite a challenge, because the ebook format is very simple; it’s basically just text. To make a language-learning book interesting and useful, it has to be quirky, something different from the normal reading experience.
Well, our books are fully bilingual. That’s the first difference. They help you practice a foreign language by letting you ‘click’ from screen to screen. Our titles typically have well over 1,000 ‘pages’ to click through, with every word and sentence translated for you into English.
Recently we thought about another ‘quirk’. Would it be possible to teach a language from scratch using this format, and to do so while avoiding all mention of grammar? Most people hate grammar, and it’s particularly daunting when you’re just starting off in a new foreign language. A book with NO grammar would be great, we thought…
So we wrote one. Here it is:
FIRST STEPS IN SPANISH: WITHOUT GRAMMAR! is an experiment really. It’s not a textbook, but it will give you confidence in the language right from the start. The book will not make you a fluent Spanish speaker overnight, but it’s 100 % bilingual, so every word you read in Spanish will be accompanied by the English equivalent.
The idea is to help you feel comfortable with Spanish through reading and practicing. Exercises are very short, and are all in Spanish and English, allowing you to progress at exactly your own pace, even if it’s just two minutes a day.
We think it’s a useful way to start (or restart) a foreign language. But we want to know what other people think. The kind of people who don’t like grammar!
So, if you’re interested in learning some basic Spanish, we’re giving away ten copies of FIRST STEPS IN SPANISH to readers of Rita Reviews. Plus, for the first person to respond, we’ll add two more books from our catalogue:
Please just mail us at: mail AT clic-books DOT COM
Remember to tell us which format you need: mobi (for Kindle) or ePub (for other ebook reading devices)
Best wishes,
Sam Fuentes
Clic-books Digital Media
This seems great, I took Spanish for 5 years in school but that was over 15 years ago. I’ve always told myself that I should relearn /continue but the tutorials I’ve tried just didn’t do it for me. Very interesting!
Hi Raine, re-starting can be frustrating. I have the same problems with French. You think you know a bit, but then… Anyway, I hope this helpsto get you up and running in Spanish. Best, Sam
Sounds easy, I would love to learn another opens up so many doors
I wold love to start learning another language but I do feel intimidated with all the grammar. The first book looks like it would be a good first start at attempting another language.
I have been really wanting to learn Spanish, I like the idea of working at your own pace
I love this, I want to see if they also have one in French.