I told you not long ago I was going to change this up a bit. Well here is the new format! In the slideshow I only pronoun the word itself and not the example sentences. As I am learning Spanish right along with you all I would hate to mess up the words. Anyone would like to do the voice over with all the translations is more than welcome to just email me and I will give you the information. Let me know what you all think.
The video is great I think a voice over would complete it
I do too. I just have to get someone to do it for me as I am afraid of saying something wrong.
I love it. Is it your voice in the video? I would do it, but I don’t have the technology! What are the details?
It is my voice. Honestly all I would need would be a recording file of you speaking the translations. I can then add the voice over to the slideshow
That sounds pretty easy.