This week’s word is a fun one and something all kids love to do! The word is fingir feen-heer’ (verb) which means to feign or to pretend. What kid out there doesn’t like to pretend? Here are a couple of examples:
1. Mi hija fingió tener un resfriado para no tener que ir a la escuela.
My daughter pretended to have a cold to not have to go to school.
2. Cuando era una niña me ponía los tacones y la joyería de mi mamá y fingía ser adulto.
When I was a little girl I would wear my mom’s high heels and jewelry and pretend to be an adult.
I speak spanish, and I have to admit I didn’t know this word. I could always use these weekly words to brush up on my spanish!
I’m starting to learn spanish, looking forward to your weekly word
Would love to learn Spanish with my grandkids. Spanish is so important in todays world
Great word this week. It should be easy enough to use in a sentence with my daughter.
One question though. You said you used to pretend to be an adult when you were a kid.
Wasn’t it much more fun then the reality of being and adult is? 🙂
You are certainly right kids do love to pretend. My son loves to pretend he is a superhero quite often it is so cute.