The Spanish word for this week is: adicional ah-dee-see-oh-nahl’ and adjective which means additional or extra. Some examples of the word in use are:
1. Este mes recibí una bonificación adicional por haber alcanzadomi meta de ventas.
This month I received an additional bonus for having met my salesgoal.
2. Tengo una entrada adicional para ir a ver a jugar a losGigantes, si quieres ir.
I have an extra ticket to go see the Giants play, if you want to go.
I didn’t know this one and it’s not too hard for me. I’ll get it, one word at a time, lol. I do have a whole system to learn from: Living Language software. Just haven’t gotten to it yet!
This is a good one. I think I can try to use it with my daughter this week. I love that you break the word down how it sounds.