The word for this week is: la tarde tahr’-deh (noun) which means afternoon, evening. I have been trying to think if have used this word yet and to be honest I am not sure. If we have I am sorry, if not yeah me! Here are a couple of examples:
1. Esta tarde están dando un concierto gratis de música clásica en el parque central de la ciudad.
This evening they’re offering a free classical music concert in the central park of the city.
2. Ayer por la tarde cenamos en casa de nuestros nuevos vecinos. Son una pareja muy chévere.
Yesterday evening we had dinner at the house of our new neighbors. They’re a great couple.
It always amazes me the word is one and the same for afternoon and evening. It does make some sense in that day does go from afternoon/evening to night. I need to brush up more on my Spanish!
Thanks for the refresher course. I need to make some flash cards so I can remember these words. It helped my daughter when we did it for her, maybe it will help me too.
I’ve always used tarde as late. It’s nice to freshen up on my spanish. I have to admit I’m forgetting a lot of it as the years go by.
I love that you include your culture into you posts. Great way to educate in different ways!
It is funny I really don’t consider myself to know too much Spanish but I could get the gist of the first sentence which is surprising. I guess I knew enough of the words.
Another Spanish word of the week that I actually knew. However, it’s been a while, so it was nice reminder. The Spanish word “tarde” can also mean late, as in the English word “tardy”, when used as an adverb. Thank you, again, for sharing!
I don’t think we have had this one yet. So yeah you! This word will be easy for me to use this week. I can use it with my daughter to see if she did her homework this afternoon.
Thanks for doing these each week!!
I really love these posts! I by no means speak fluent Spanish so these really help me keep up with some basics!
Ha, I knew this one already from my brief study of Spanish! I still get the feminine and masculine confused sometimes. I would use la tarde for afternoon and la noche for night. It’s hard sometimes to say when one ends and the other begins, though!
Thanks for offering this every week. I love reading and getting my Spanish grammar fix. I grew up speaking Spanish, but had to go to classes to get the grammar down.
Diana C
Ah, this one I know. My beginning Spanish lessons always have this word in the beginning and it’s easy for me to remember. I try to use Spanish greetings at the Hispanic market I go to here in Cali. Some people don’t speak English at the stores, so good to know a few words.