I will be breve with the word this week. Oh wait that is the word of the week! It is breve breh’-veh (adjective) which of course means brief or short. Now to the examples:
1. Yo soy proponente de la idea de que si una reunión en la oficina no va a ser breve, por lo menos deberían haber donas.
I’m a proponent of the idea that, if a meeting at the office isn’t going to be short, there should at least be donuts.
2. Mi entrenador personal es un sadista; sólo me da un breve descanso entre ejercicios.
My personal trainer is a sadist; he only gives me a brief rest between exercises.
I am certainly a proponent of having donuts at any meetings LOL. This word is similar to the English version.
I definitely agree to the donuts at a long meeting!
I want donuts! I like how you used these weeks word in the intro also. These weeks word will be a breeze to use in a sentence. Thanks!