This week’s word is: marrón mah-rohn’ (adjective) which means brown. Although I have heard the word cafe used as brown as well. Check out a couple of examples:
1. Se me olvidó echarle agua a mi planta y ahora tiene las hojas marchitas y marrones. I forgot to water my plant and now the leaves are withered and brown.
2. Siempre soñé con tener el pelo claro y los ojos azules, pero tanto mi pelo como mis ojos son marrones. I always dreamed of having fair hair and blue eyes, but both my hair and my eyes are brown.
I have heard it as cafe also. I don’t know if my daughter knows this weeks word but I might be able to teach her something.
Thank you for sharing! It reminds me of the english color – maroon; which I think is a reddish-brown. My son started high school today and he is taking Spanish I so I will share this word with him tonight.