Today’s word is something the deep thinkers of history studied! It is: la filosofía fee-loh-soh-fee’-ah (noun) which means philosophy.
1. Mi filosofía personal es vivir y dejar vivir.
My personal philosophy is live and let live.
2. Tomé un curso de filosofía en la universidad y lo único que me pareció interesante fue “La república” de Platón.
I took a philosophy course in college and the only thing I found interesting was “The Republic” by Plato.
courtney b says
wow i’ve never seen a blogger do this before! great idea, thanks for the education!
Tammy S says
I love this weeks word! I know I can easily use it in a conversation with my daughter. I am going to try and use your whole first example because it’s such a great one! Thanks!
Jimmy Arcade says
I knew that that this word meant “philosophy”, but I didn’t know it also referred to something being deep. Very interesting, indeed! Thank you for sharing. I can see this coming in handy when I want to tell someone that I love having deep conversations or something of that nature.
Mary Beth Elderton says
Tomé un curso de filosofía en la universidad! I actually have an almost major in filosofia 🙂 Great word of the week.
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
I definitely had some philosophy classes in college. I don’t remember any of it though that was too many years ago LOL.