el caramelo kah-rah-meh’-loh (noun)
caramel, piece of candy
1. El caramelo se hace hirviendo azúcar hasta que se pone espeso.
Caramel is made by boiling sugar until it is thick.
2. Los abuelos siempre tienen caramelos para sus nietos.
Grandparents always have sweets for their grandchildren.
A very tasty Spanish Word of the Week! These are helping me. My neighborhood grocery store has their weekly print ads with both Spanish and English words, so I learn those food names weekly too.
Way to go! I wish our ads were in Spanish and English. That would help so much with my school lessons.
These are so much fun I wish you have Spanish Word of the Day! I’d love to understand more of what my MIL is saying when she is speaking Spanish. Thanks for the education.
You are welcome! I would do a word of the day but I am afraid I would miss a day and fall behind.
I love this weeks word! I know I can use it with my daughter. We have some caramels left over from Halloween. I am going to try and say the whole sentence! Go me!