Another week, another great word! This week’s word is: anteriormente ahn-teh-ree-ohr-mehn’-teh (adverb) which means previously. I am going to be hoenst and say I have used this particular word in a lot of agruments.
1.Ya lo he dicho anteriormente, pero no hay fuerza humana que me convenza hacer paracaidismo.
I’ve said it previously, but there isn’t a force on earth that could convince me to go skydiving.
2. Veinte años después se comunico conmigo un matón para pedirme perdón por cómo se había comportado anteriormente.
Twenty years later a bully contacted me to ask for forgiveness for how he had behaved previously.
This is a good word. I am sure you have used it many times in arguments. I can see me using it in arguments also. My biggest problem will b e that I don’t butcher the word. It’s a little harder to pronounce then we have had recently. Which is good sense school will be starting.