The word for this week is demás deh-mahs’ (adjective) which means the rest or the others. A few examples of this word in use are:
1. Mientras los demás fueron a cenar, Carolina se quedó en casa con una migraña.
While the others went to dinner, Carolina stayed home with a migraine.
2. “Ya hemos hecho bastante por hoy”, dijo mi jefe. “Lo demás lo podemos dejar para mañana”.
“We’ve done enough for today,” said my boss. “We can leave the rest for tomorrow.”
Funny how the word migraine is similar in English and Spanish. All bosses should know when to say you’ve done enough for today. Most will probably not tell you to stop working.
I really like that you are adding these, thanks. Rather fun!
This is a perfect word this week! I have it nailed! My daughters best friend didn’t go to school today because she had a migraine. Whoo hoo! She is going to think I am so smart!