This week’s word is: el ala ah’-lah (noun) which means wing; branch (of a political party). One thing to remember though is “Ala” is a feminine noun, but in the singular, it takes the masculine article “el” so that the “a” in “la” and the first “a” in “ala” don’t blend into each other.
1. El colibrí amatista puede agitar las alas hasta ochenta veces por segundo.
The Amethyst Woodstar hummingbird can beat its wings up to 80 times per second.
2. Al ala más liberal del partido no le gustó la última versión del proyecto de ley.
The more liberal wing of the party didn’t like the latest version of the bill.
1. el sombrero de ala ancha
wide-brimmed hat
Denise Taylor-Dennis says
Feminine noun with a masculine article, I never took Spanish I didn’t know this. Interesting this word has several meanings.
Tammy S says
I am going to have a bit of a tough time with this weeks word. But I am sure I will figure out someway to work it into a conversation with my daughter. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
Rita says
I hope you were able to use it at some point!