I have been complaining for the last week or so about the weather and wanting it warmer. One of the biggest reasons is because I am ready to spring clean the house. I can’t wait until I can open the doors and windows and air out the house a little. There is so much that needs to be done this year that it will more than likely take me a whole week to get it accomplished. I made a list that I kid you not is three pages long.
I need to take all the screen off and scrub down the windows really well. Not to mention the screen probably a good scrubbing as well. I am certain there are a few that need to be replaced. That is something I plan on taking care of this year. I also need to double check all of the chalking out there. We have a garbage disposal and a really good hack I know of to get it clean is to use salt and ice. It works really well and helps things stay in shape. Well as good a shape as a garbage disposal can be in. I do this once a year because if I don’t I will simply forget about it. Another thing that I make sure I do this time of the year is change out the batteries in my smoke detectors. Again it is one of those that I just do so that I don’t forget them. I know the moment I do something bad will happen.
I also need to go through all of the closets which will take days all by themselves. There is just so much junk that we accumulate over the course of the year that if I don’t go through it we will be swimming in stuff. Through my job I end up with a lot of items as well but again we have to go through it all once a year to thin things out. I make bins for donate, trash, and what the heck is this. This way I can toss things into the bins and be ready for the next step easily.
I know how you feel. I’m in the same boat. I’ve accumulated a lot of junk over the course of the year as well and it’s time to donate or throw away some of this junk. Good luck!