About the Book: {Taken from back cover}
More than ever, the decision stay home with our children is a tough one for any woman to make. Even after we’ve made this choice, we can be faced with quite a dilemma.The mother in is may recognize staying home as the most wonderful decision we’ve ever made, but the woman in us may worry about its effect on our sense of self-worth, personal identity, finances, and career.
If you’re ready to see yourself and your role in a whole new light…grab yourself a hot cozy beverage and let’s get started.
My Thoughts:
In Staying Home and Staying You Cynthia Van Romondt-Mason takes you through the whole dilemma of choosing to stay home. When I say whole I mean such as the feeling f having”less” that you may experience. She helps you weigh the pros and cons and make a decision that is right for you and your family. I love her Daily Mantra and her chapter on Home Management really inspired me. This book is more a workbook than a sit down and read but I think it is something every mother should read and go through. You may find that you come out of it not only a better mother but also a better woman.
This would be a great book especially for new Mothers making this decision- it isn’t an easy one!
When I was pregnant there was so many book but I don’t remember any of them about staying at home after the baby was born.. There was more talk. I think this book will be great if the mother is considering staying home after the baby is born
Wow, I know I struggle with those exact thoughts I’m a stay at home mom and sometimes I feel like my worth is valued in the home being cleaned and children fed and taught. I have lost my personal identity and I often think about going back to school and how the years pass me by it is becoming less and less likely
I am also at stay at home mom. Life can be tough even for us. Sounds like a good book to check into.
I would love to read this book. It was not easy to make a decision to stay home with my kids, but sometimes I think that being stay at home mom is harder than being a working mom.. especially since my husband works so much that some days I feel like a single mom!
It would be a great book for women expecting their first child!