I am sure that is what you are all saying about the theme changes. First I should say that I OCD so nothing will ever be perfect enough for me. This change today is the result of my daughter. She asked why I used a cartoon person and everything look so business like. That it didn’t look like me at all and she hated it. What I realized is that she was right I spend a lot of time making sure everything good, as perfect as I can that I forgot to include me recently. If my child can see that then I have a problem. I started blogging to find myself and not work so hard to do well that I lose myself.
So her and I spent time this morning and came across this theme. She said it was perfect for me because I like a lot of different things and write about a lot of different things. She is right nothing is all one color in our home. For example at my aunt’s house her kitchen is all in red. Mine is a bunch of different colors. I like color and don’t want to limit myself to just one. So I hope that you like the new look and I promise not to change it for a while. Coming soon will also be a photo of the real me. I just haven’t found one that I really like. I have plenty coming tonight {I had some unexpected errands this today} and over the course of the weekend so stay tuned! There will no newsletter today, it will come out on Monday and have lots of updates so stay tuned!
I love the new look!
Thanks! I do too actually. My kids sometimes have the best advice.