It’s really easy to run out of storage room these days. I find it pretty tough to find homes for everything. I try quite hard not to buy more than I really need, but I still seem to have a house full of clutter anyway!
Keeping the house organized is one of my top priorities at the moment. I like it when everything has its place. Storage solutions are very high on my agenda. I love drawers, cupboards and organizers that will neatly store all my bits and pieces. It’s not always easy but keeping on top of the clutter helps.
Selling the things you don’t need can be a good way to make some room too. If you set a good price for things, you should be able to sell the quite easily. You can always take them to a tabletop sale or have a garage sale in your community. Auction websites are quite handy for this too, but it can take a lot of your time getting things ready to be posted.
Beauty products and cosmetics seem to pile up in my house. I’m not sure how it happens because I so rarely use the stuff! I have to keep my bathroom as clutter free as possible because it is only small. I love it when I get my essentials into one case like the magnetic Z Palettes. That way, just one case is out. I have to get quite strict with myself. If it doesn’t fit in there, then I can’t have it. Or I have to throw out something old to make space for it.
This idea works well with clothes too. If I’m replacing something old with something similar that is new that’s fine. And I’ve found that those vacuum pack cases are handy for your seasonal fashion as well as spare bedding. You can suck the air out of your winter coats in the summer, and it takes up only a tiny space. It’s so well protected you could pop them in the loft out of the way to make more space in your closet or cupboard too.
The kitchen is my pet project right now. Somehow we have hoarded lots of tins of things that expired more than a few months ago. Getting rid of it and then setting up a system to make sure it never happens again is going to keep me occupied for a while. I manage to keep on top of things in the fridge, mainly because most of what I eat is stored in there!
Books can be a problem for a lot of people because they take up so much space too. I love shelves full of books, but they are a nightmare to keep dusted. And they never all seem to go back neatly. I’ve seen some clever ideas for under-stair storage that can cater for book hoarders. I guess the only other alternative is to gift some away. Do you hoard anything in particular? And have you got any awesome storage ideas to make it work for you?
I tend to hoard paperwork. Working full-time, two kids in activities after school, and a husband working on a PhD, I tend to let the mail pile up. Especially if it’s just junk mail!
This is useful information.
Thank you for sharing.
I starting purging before Christmas..I just couldn’t walk into my back mud room..donated, trashed and repurposed so much..not done..I plan on getting into the basement next in the same house for 30 years you end up with so much junk
Thanks for the great tips 🙂 i also want to organize my home.
This is so inspiring. This will certainly help me achieve my new years resolutions this year! Thank you 🙂
I have a real problem with reluctance to throw out bedding and decor that I am not using. This has become a big problem since we are redoing an older home. I just have to crack down and do it. Speaking of books. In a move about 15 years ago, I had 200 boxes of books (plus books that were packed elsewhere.) Whe it came time to move again, I just decided not to move the books again. There are a few times when I really wish for something in my old library, but not often. I know now that, if I had had a kindle, I could have moved my library in my tote bag!
I’m always hoarding receipts since I worry that I’ll need them later. I finally started scanning them into the computer instead of letting them pile up!
I am really bad about accumulating bathroom stuff even though I don’t use a lot also. I am always getting free samples, etc. in the mail.
Good ideas, thanks for sharing.
Thanks for the tips! Im awful about keeping receipts and letters that may or may not be important later..