Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored by the Role Mommy Writer’s Network and Just Go Girl. All opinions expressed are my own and all images have been provided for me to use.
Okay I admit it I suffer from athletic leaks! Okay, Okay, I have leaky pipes and there are times when it can be a problem. For example I know that I can walk from my house to the state park bathroom in under ten minutes if I have to. It is about a 3 mile walk. There are times when that walk is more of a run and I am dragging the kids behind me. From there the next bathroom is another 5 miles. Whenever we walk to town we stop at he park, at the bathroom on the corner, and then again at the visitor center. Hitting all of them up on the way back home.
I know that it is inconvenient but there is really nothing I can do about it. It is simply the way life is and I have learned to live with it. I suffer from not only athletic incontinence but also stress incontinence which is more common than you may think. An estimated 25 % of women suffer from this. That is why Brooke Solis started JustGo Girl. After having her twins Brooke was determined to get back into shape but discovered that she suffered from incontinence and was determined to come up with a pad that would hold urine.
Ordinary sanitary pads just aren’t designed to hold urine and who really wants to wear a diaper. They just don’t move with you. JustGo Girl Pads are designed to not only hold urine but to move with you so they really work. I got the chance to try a couple out and I honestly say that for two days I didn’t have to stop the treadmill to go to the bathroom!
Guess what you can get FREE samples of JustGo Girl Pads for yourself. Just click that link back there and get some of your own to try out.
I had that issue for a few years. I would go before I left the house and before we could drop our daughter off at school (maybe a 5 minute ride) I would be racing to a restroom at the play ground. I was on medicine for a few years but now I am off and doing okay.
I have crohn’s disease so I know all about bathroom stops, I know every washroom in every mall, every washroom from my house to where I need to go, sometimes I don’t make it but I know these wouldn’t help me at all, glad there’s something that you can use to put your mind at peace.
The older that I get the more I have to know where the restrooms are. It started when I was pregnant and hasn’t gotten worse but hasn’t gone away either.
I know about this issue all too much. which is why if there’s not going to be a restroom around I will not go. I will have to try these out and see how well they work.