In the book of Genesis Sarah tells Abraham to sleep with Hagar so he may have a son. I am telling you now that I just don’t think I could have had that sort of strength. I know I wouldn’t have. Can you just imagine that?
My twins are mine through adoption. However they are my husband’s children. He had an affair with their mother and she didn’t want them. I can tell you how much that hurt. Especially knowing how much I wanted children of my own and all the miscarriages. It was like being slapped in the face. I felt like such a failure in so many ways. I know now that his cheating was his issue and not mine but it still hurt.
I can understand Sarah’s pain at not being able to give her husband a child. The looks that you get from family and friends. I can even understand her jealousy after Abraham has a child with Hagar. I can understand because I have been there. the whispers, the pain, all of it. Yet Sarah willing sent her husband to another woman. There is no way I could of ever sent him to another woman so he could have had a child. I wonder if because of what she had done that her jealousy after she has Isaac is so great.
I could never imagine being like Sarah, have my husband go with another woman so he can have a son, it was through God’s strength that she was able to do that, just saying it must of been heart wrenching to want a child so bad and having to give your husband that strong for sure
I feel the same way. I just don’t think I would of had that sort of strength. God would of had to chosen another person.
I would not be able to do something like Sarah did. From a 10000 foot level you can see God was at work in all of it. I’m sure she could not have seen or known any of that at the time.
I am with you. That takes a strength that I know I do not have,
It’s impossible to divorce Sarah’s story from our modern values. I think sending your husband to another woman’s bed is more difficult to imagine today simply because it’s so taboo in our society. In Sarah’s day and culture it was more common. It was obviously still difficult though, because of the way Sarah reacted.