I haven’t been on as much since Thanksgiving because my youngest has been in the hospital. We have been struggling a bit with this since I am the only person in the house that can go to the hospital. It has been more than a bit nerve racking. I couldn’t stay overnight with him which left him in tears every single night when I had to leave. That stress makes recovery a little more difficult for him as well. It also left me in tears as I headed home every night.
Thankfully he was released on Saturday but is now quarantined in his room for two weeks. It is just to be overly careful since his immune system isn’t as strong as a normal healthy child’s. While he didn’t have covid he did have pneumonia which isn’t anything new. He is my special needs child and we have struggled for a few years with him getting sick and spending time in the hospital.
I wasn’t going to say anything because I don’t always. It’s a part of our lives and we embrace it for what it is. However, I felt I needed to share with y’all this time. I have a ton of reviews that will go up this week that I’m a bit behind in. Everything since Thanksgiving that has posted has simply been prescheduled.
So please bear with me as I get things done this week and then take a little time off next week for the holiday. We are very slowly getting some sort of normal back in our home.
Pray your child is feeling better. One year my daughter, she was probably 8 or 9, came down with Fifth’s Disease like 3 days before Christmas. She was miserable just from the fever and all the syptoms she had from that. Enjoy your holiday!