Today I am making my mother dinner! She will be leaving with the older kids tomorrow and I wanted to make her all the things she enjoyed. She wanted meatloaf with a salad and banana pudding. Sounds easy and simple enough! That is one thing I love about my mother, she is simple and easy to please. The kids made her cards and they all made me breakfast in bed. Who could ask for more on this wonderful day?
Later on we are going to go to the park (if the weather holds) and let the kids run around and have a good time. There is nothing more I love than listening to the sounds of their laughter as they play. The best part is that older ones will push the younger ones around and Ma and I will get a chance to just sit and watch them. Then when we get home will have our Mother’s Day dinner and the kids will be give out. That means I can watch the one television program that I don’t miss each week without any interruptions.
I love making a special dinner for my mom, even when it is not Mother’s Day. We even cook together which gives us a lot of mother and daughter time and it is fun. I love being in the kitchen.