It’s tie again for the Super Stocking Stuffer Giveaway Hop brought to you by the wonderful gals over at The Mommy Island, and The Kids Did It! I love these hops because they are just so much fun. One thing I always do is try to keep these simple.

Sometimes I have products or other wonderful items but this year I am all about the cash and gift cards. I know how much some are struggling and I know that this is the best way to get things you want or need without having to spend the money. With Christmas right around the corner this will certainly come in handy.
We have been in Holiday mode around here the last week or so. Making plans and trying to figure out just what we are going to be doing for the holidays. My younger brother voted we all go out to Colorado for Christmas so we will have a white Christmas. I am with him because it has been so long. Chances are we won’t, simply because Ma and my sister in-law will veto us but hey we can wish. It’s fun to toss that that out there every single year though. One of the years we are going to get to go and will love every single second of it.
I have also been making my gift giving list, checking fifteen times to make sure I haven’t forgotten anyone and ordering things that can be ordered now. I have such a large list I do my best to make sure I have as much of it done by the end of November as I can On top of all of that there is all the Thanksgiving planning and dealing with Ma recovering from eye surgery. Things went well and she is doing good. Better than we thought she would. The doctor is pleased so hopefully she will be able to see well out of one eye at least. If we had waited any longer to have it done she would have been blind in that eye.
Enter the Giveaway
Enter below for your chance to win $250 Amazon Gift Card. Giveaway is OPEN Worldwide and ENDS November 30, 2021 at 11:59 pm EST.
Hop Around to Other Blogs
Take a moment to head over to all of the other blogs and enter to win the giveaways they have going on as well. Good Luck in all of the giveaways you enter. Please be aware that each blog is responsible for their own prizes and giveaways. Also please allow 4-6 weeks for a prize to arrive. Sometimes it takes sponsors that long.
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I’m all about the gift cards this year too
I have been doing the majority of my holiday shopping on-line for the past few years, I find it to be so much more comfortable and convenient. I have a big family so we adults decided that we would buy gifts for the children and not exchange gifts with each other but I wish that I could afford to shop for everyone, I love giving gifts!
I’m all done with shopping – do it year round.
Thanks for the contest.
I’m doing very little shopping this year since money is really tight. I’ll be happy to just be with my family.
I’d like to start early. Probably later this month. Have a big family so lots of presents to buy! 🙂
I have been gathering ideas for family and purchased some items for my kids.
Seeing my little niece can’t wait
Holiday shopping has already been completed.
Love to visit Holiday events shopping is done
I’ve done a bunch of online shopping in the past week. I don’t think I’m done but I’ve made a big dent.
I purchased a lot of toys for the kids in the family and kids of my friends. I still have to finish shopping for my kids and family.
I plan on going to the mall to do all my shopping as with 8 little grandchildren I have to eye them first.
I plan on shopping for everyone, big holiday list
I plan to get it done as soon as possible so I can enjoy Christmas; thanks for the giveaway. 🙂
I am trying to get it all done by Thanksgiving this year. Most of it online.
I am halfway done with my holiday shopping. I have seven people left on my list to buy gifts for, but I am holding off until I see some of the Black Friday ads and Cyber deals.
I haven’t started my Holiday shopping yet. I plan to do most of my shopping online this year.
I am halfway done ordering/buying.
I’m been picking up small things here and there, but I plan on ordering most of my stuff online!
Toys for my grandkids and gift cards for the adults.
I’ve started my shopping. I only have a few gifts left to get for my nieces and nephews.
Most holiday shopping has been done online. I have a few people finished already! My nephew and his wife are spending Christmas with us, so I need to get a few more items for them.
I don;t really do holiday shopping jsut give my son a gift card
I have already purchased things here and there throughout the year, but I do still have some bigger purchases to make for my loved ones 🙂
I am halfway done ordering and buying.
I knitted my daughter a hat. Other than that she is getting games for the Switch.
I will do a little shopping mainly for the younger children. The majority or my gifts will be store or restaurant gift cards.
I am doing most of my holiday shopping online this year.
I will be doing very little Christmas shopping this year, I’m on an extremely tight budget unfortunately.
For Christmas I will be buying my daughter clothing and items for dorm room
I’ll probably get my daughter a gift card since she’s hard to shop for. I’m currently trying to decide on my son and grandchildren’s gifts. I’m hoping to buy their gifts during the Black Friday sales.
I am not going crazy this year but I do need to get a few things.
I’m only shopping for the grandkids this year and not even close to being done. Its rough with 9 of them in various ages.
I have three kids to shop for, but I don’t have any money to do so. This would help out so much!
I’ve been slowly buying things as I see them on sale or for a really good deal. I am concentrating on my granddaughters.
No shopping for me
just started
I plan to buy my family clothes, and my best friend some cookware.
I haven’t started shopping yet but I need to.
I will start shopping soon.
I plan to do most of my Christmas shopping online.
Most likely doing most of it online this year sending gifts to people we have no definite plans yet.
I mostly shop for my granddaughter right now and she loves Legos so lots of options this year
i actually have no idea about what i am doing about Christmas shopping! i should start soon!
I am doing a lot of my holiday shopping online this year for sure. I like to send holiday gift baskets to friends and family from Harry and David they are the best hands down.
I usually do most of the shopping online. I’m not a big fan of the crowds Thanks for the awesome giveaway!
I’ve done most of my Christmas shopping. I just have to figure out the last odds and sods that I need.
We are a gov. service family and are usually serving overseas (this is our daughter’s first Christmas in the US!) So … because of shipping issues I always have my holiday shopping done by September. It’s weird, but a necessity. This year I finished already, but still plan to browse for those items you just find by chance. I am so excited to get to do the whole American Christmas thing, it’s just not the same overseas!
I’ve only bought a few gifts so far, but I’ve been shopping both in stores and online.
I have no plan, only panic
I have most my shopping done except needing to get a few things for my niece and nephew and if I have the money my sister and father.
I am planning to head out this weekend and pick up the few gifts I am buying this year.
I shop all year long but am never ever totally prepared. Sigh!
We are trying to shop online, but definitely doing less shopping this year than before since prices and gas costs are higher. I know my kids will be excited no matter what so we are going to make the most of it!
Most the family want gift cards, so I do very little shopping. I still like to buy gift s for the little ones.
I’ve done a lot of online shopping already and hope to pick up some things at craft fairs now they’re open again.
No shopping – no family and friends and I celebrate by sharing time together.
We are assigned gift giving to each siblings family. I have my older brother’s family this year.
I’m going to try not to shop this year and give my grandkids experiences
Believe it or not but I am all don holiday shopping this year! I might look for a sofa for myself.
We usually shop throughout the year so most of our gifts have already been purchased. We still have some items for our pets, nieces, and nephew. We’re mostly shopping online this year.
Our two youngest grandchildren no longer need the baby swing on their wooden backyard play set. So we bought them a back to back glider swing that they can both ride on together as part of their Christmas presents.
I still have to shop for my parents and sister! I’m done with everyone else.
Only got a few things didn’t realize how hard it would be to shop for teenagers since everything cost so much more the older they get.
Honestly I shop very chaotically for a month, then I freak out and lay out all the gifts to see if I’ve bought for each kid evenly. I never have, so then for all of December I try to even it out while seeing things for kids that already have enough. I do try to use a list app to keep track of who I am done with though, so it helps some.
I haven’t started shopping yet.
I’m almost done. I have one more person to buy for and that willl be it.
I am giving gift cards this year.
I plan to do my shopping online.
I am buying each person something I know they want as a gift to unwrap and putting money in their gift also. I’m trying to simplify. That’s my plan this year.
We give gift cards so that people can buy something they really want.
I’ll do most online :]
Just need to get a few stocking stuffers for the kids yet.
I will be doing most of my Christmas shopping online and have the gifts sent straight to our loved ones.
I plan to do my physical Christmas shopping at the Signatures Craft Show at the Convention centre this year as it was just online last year. Thanks for the chance. 🙂
I haven’t even started shopping yet, I will just be winging it as the holiday gets closer! Not a good plan! LOL!
Not really christmas shopping but definately dont wanna overdo anything this year.
I have VERY little planned – only a few friends this year.
I started some shopping ,but plan to do more on Black Friday. My daughters and I like to start the day out with breakfast and then shopping.
I am hoping to get some new appliances for the holidays.
I am almost done. I just have a few more items that I will be having mailed directly.
I’ll be shopping online, hope to get some good Black Friday deals!
I’m done with my kids’ gifts; they’re older and were able to tell me generally what they need/want this year. I’m still working on getting them a few stocking stuffers. We have “standard” gifts that we get for our parents, so if they’re not already purchased, I’ll order them right after Thanksgiving. And I still need to get gifts for our siblings & our nieces/nephews. But this has been a pretty easy year for holiday shopping!
Still worried about covid so I will be shopping online.
I only buy gift for close family members. Sometimes it’s a giftcard.
I only have some small gifts left to get for my family but I have to decide on “experience” for a friend of mine. So far we’ve done everything from ghost walks to cake decorating. I just don’t know what I’ll come up with this year.
Happy to hear your mom’s surgery went well! That is a gift in itself 🙂
I am wrapping up my shopping as I basically just got gifts for immediate family this year, which made things easier due to finances. Cash and gift cards are great gifts as well as most people can use them. I hope you get to take a trip for the holidays and get your wish!
I already have 95% of my shopping dine. Most was online, but some still in store. Now on to the wrapping!
I think I will be giving my adult children cash so that they can buy exactly what they want.
I will be buying gift cards for Christmas gifts this year.
We have decided to make charitable contributions instead of family gifting.
I don’t have too much to buy. I prefer to do shopping on line, on Small business Saturday and/or Cyber Monday
My family has decided that we would make charitable contributions to food banks instead of getting gifts for the adults after all who needs another ugly sweater.
I am going to do all my holiday shopping online. I find it cheaper, easier, and more rewarding.
Thankfully I’ve gotten most of my holiday shopping finished. I still need to get some more things for my mom, but she’s the main one.
i still have q lot of shopping ahead of me
I plan on trying new vegan skin and hair care.
I only have a few left to get. U probably will do the rest on cyber monday.
I haven’t even started yet. I think my plan is shopping on cyber monday!
I plan to do a lot of shopping over the next few weeks at Amazon, Walmart, and target.
I am actually making most of my gifts for the family this year….my kids are the hard ones…we still haven’t figure what to do for them…it bad, they are in that awkward stage of pre teen where toys aren’t cool but are not ready for the more mature cellphone….lol
I shop all year long,mostly at thift stores and sales.It is a lot of work and takes up a great deal of space and organization. Do not how much longer I can continue.
I dont shop for christmas. Ive done this for many of years now. No kids here, none come homeand please dont anyone feel sorry because its aokay with me. I spend it on me instead.
Things are so up in the air with Christmas plans that I haven’t done much shopping this year. My sisters are overseas and our borders are shut so it will be a sad time for me.
Actually…it will be a quiet christmas this year. Still in recovery mode thanks to covid. Its not easy dealing with your whole career shutting down overnite
I decided I am only buying gifts for my boyfriend this year. My finances have hit a wall this year, bought a new dryer, stove, a couple of chairs and had our air ducts cleaned. I am tapped out unless of course I win!
I have really bad back problems so I’ll be doing most, if not all, of my shopping this year online.
I usually do a mix of shopping online and in store. With the kids growing…its getting harder to find the perfect gifts….so I tend to search online and read blogs for gift ideas!
I don’t plan to do much shopping since I have been getting items throughout the year, so I just need to organize them and I think it will cover most of my gift giving.
None really. My grown sons would prefer cash. I specifically ask for no presents. I am currently collecting memories, not things & it’s really working out for me. 🙂 Have a great time!
The only person that I’m buying anything for is my 5 year old granddaughter. My teens and older grandkids are getting gift cards.
I’m excited to be shopping for two new grandsons this holiday season, as well as six adult kids. Thanks.
I dont have too much shopping to do – I picked up a few items in store already, ordered a few online and have a bit more to grab in store!
I plan to do most of my shopping online.
I need to get myself a new bike, and get my mom a new phone.
I will do all my shopping on line. I can’t handle the crowds.
We’re so busy moving I don’t have any shopping plans.
I have tons of shopping left to do! I’m very far behind.
My family lives in another province so we put money in their account to buy presents from us to the grandkids
I’m almost done with mine. I just need a few more discounts and deals before I finish.
My holiday shopping is done online. I cannot function well around crowds with my social anxiety.
I don’t have any shopping plans. My family is currently full of adults so – it’ll be gift cards.
I plan on doing a decent amount of shopping soon. I have a lot of people to buy gifts for this year. I’m debating on doing a combination of online shopping and mall shopping.
I am about done with shopping, just like a few gifts for greandchildren
I’m pretty much done with my shopping. I only have my Dad left to buy for and I have no idea for him. He lives out of state and I have to pick something up and ship it to him. But, I find it so hard to find a good gift for him.
I don’t have anyone to shop for this year, but I may treat myself with a few special things if I stumble upon something that catches my eye.
The majority of my shopping will be done online. Pretty easy!
I buy a few gifts, but most want cash or gift cards so it’s pretty easy.
I will be dong Christmas shopping online thank you for a chance to win!
Going easy this year. Why have more to stress about???
I make sweets for a local Vietnam Vet in memory of our neighbor who died from Agent Orange last year. We also welcome his widow to celebrate Christmas and Thanksgiving with us. Before I adopted these two, I always looked for someone who was older and single and make sweets for them.
I’m doing most of my shopping online, at night, while everybody is asleep!
Were not working due to
Covid having children with compromised immune systems heart transplant and Cancer we have been in for over 600 days. Will only buy a few needed items for the holidays .
I’ve got lots of nieces and nephews to buy for. I have some done, but lots more to do.
don’t know, haven’t started yet
I have a lot to do but haven’t even started yet
I am almost done holiday shopping. Finished it up Black Friday weekend. Only need 2 more gifts.
I have not thought about gifts yet but I might want to start doing that!
This holiday season I am shopping online online.
And shopping for the same that I did last year.
I haven’t started Christmas shopping yet, I have lots of ppl to buy for!
I am about halfway done with my shopping. I’m mostly buying small gifts for a few people.
I left so much of my holiday shopping to the last minute this year. It’s just that kind of year! I have lots of nieces and nephews I buy for so there are lots of toys on my shopping list and a few gift cards. My parents are always the hardest to gift and i’ll still be searching for them last minute even after i have something wrapped under the tree for them. It’s always a little crazy, but so much fun!
I have done most of my shopping already but will probably visit Target and maybe Walmart for a few stocking stuffers.
Most of my shopping was done last month and I shopped online.
I am all about practical kitchen gifts this year because it seems like my friends and family have been taking up a lot of cooking and baking. And as always, a book and tea bags for everyone!
We just buy gifts for our girls. They really just want clothes and shoes. I’ve bought a good bit of their gifts but you know they will come up with something else they need before Christmas. 🙂
I am not really shopping we only exchange gits within my immediate family and everyone wants theater tickets.
Shopping for lots of books for the great-grandchildren. Fun socks for everyone. And some cool t-shirts.
Just shopping for my nine grandchildren this year
Not doing a whole lot of shopping. Mostly gift cards for my teenager, some stocking stuffers and a few misc.
i still havent got anything yet probably be shopping up to christmas eve
I’ve done some online shopping and might do some local shopping in December.
I’ve done a lot of amazon shopping this year. My son wants Switch games.
I plan to get most of it done as early as possible!
I’m waiting for everyone to make their lists. We’ll probably do much less this year.