Summer is in full swing and many people are trying to get their little ones in the pool and learning to swim. Well Thanks Mama carries a product tat can help you do just that. Thanks Mama is one of my favorite natural maternity and baby sites. They have a little of everything which makes them the great baby gift buying place. Thanks Mama has so many different items like I said but I am loving the selection of cloth diapers that they carry and will purchase all my diapers from them, along with several other items.
Thanks Mama send me a Swimtrainer by Fred’s Swim Academy to review. This trainer is more than a simple float and comes in two stages depending on the weight of your little one. This is one of those items that my Mom wished she had when we were little. You strap your baby in and her or she can float around in the pool.
Strapping your child in is very easy and they don’t come out. We tried to pull the baby out a few different times in several different ways (not in the water.) My nephew, Reese, who is five got in and did his best to attempt to get out of it and could not. So rest assured that your child will be secure.
The thing that is different about the Swimtrainer when compare to regular floats is that there is a little cutout in the back where their feet have the room needed to learn how to kick. Making it much easier for them to learn to swim. We had the best of time with the Swimtrainer and are hoping to get plenty of use out of it the rest of the summer and maybe even next year.
Sarah L says
It’s so good to get little ones comfortable in the water and to learn to love swimming.
Kayla Stratton says
This Swimtrainer is such a great idea! My daughter is due on October 2nd and she is my first baby. 🙂 My fiance and I have been looking for something like this to get for her when she gets older because we love going swimming and we would love for her to learn how to swim in a safe way! This is really incredible. I am so glad you posted this because I have never heard about it until now. 🙂 Thank you!
Michelle S says
This is so neat! My daughter loves the bath tub, but she is afraid of the ocean, although I don’t take her into the ocean. This would be neat for the pool.