Next week is Thanksgiving and I don’t know about y’all but I am more than ready for it. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday of the year. It is the one holiday that is all about the food! I know! I know! Half of you just went “WHAT?” and the other half agreed with me.
5 Gifts To Boost Your Bond With Your Family
Interpersonal relationships are essential for the wellbeing of your family. To keep your family ties strong, you need to have good relationships with them, which can often be strengthened through communications, teamwork, and giving gifts.
Being the Caregiver
I posted this article back in 2013 but i thought I would repost it along with some updates. Any of the updates are clearly marked. Being the caregiver to more than one person can be a difficult task and I’m not talking about your children. Once your parents get older you find that you are…
The Weird Phone Call
Not so long ago we got a phone call on the landline. That in and of itself is a bit odd. The lady was looking for my aunt who passed away a few years ago and after giving the phone to my mother I went about my business. Once the call ended my mother told me…
Keeping Your Family Safe In Unexpected Times
Unexpected times are just that. They are unexpected. You never know when the next disaster will happen and affect your family. When things get chaotic and people start to get desperate, it may be impossible for you and your family to get the things that you need. To help ensure you and your family’s safety…
How to Support a Loved One Going Through a Hard Time
Whether it’s due to bereavement, job loss, money troubles or something else, it can be hard to see a loved one going through a difficult period. You want to be able to help them but may be worried about intruding into their life or making the situation worse. There are lots of ways you can…
Why is it so difficult to get disability benefits?
The reputation of the Social Security Disability Benefits system is that of a difficult, long-winded and arduous process. It is associated with long waiting times, appeals procedures and tight frameworks that seem unfair against people suffering from some serious conditions. Therefore, ‘social security disability lawyers near me’ is usually the thing most applicants look for…
Lost Love + Hugs, Kisses, Valentine’s Wishes Giveaway Hop
Valentine’s Day will be here before you know it and it got me to thinking. It must be difficult for my mother. This year my father will be gone for twenty years which means she has missed twenty Valentine’s with him. I know that other holidays are difficult but it can’t be easy on the…
Should You Get a Family Pet
If you had a family pet when you were growing up, then you already know how important they can be. Spending your early years with animals around you can be incredibly beneficial, and they can teach you just as much as you teach them. While there are always going to be stresses and responsibilities to…
Thanksgiving + Starbucks Giveaway
I don’t know about y’all but I’m taking the next few days off to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday. Today I’m out and about finishing up last minute shopping for anything we mad need tomorrow. I also have lots of baking to get done this evening. I hope that y’all will take the time to enjoy…