Today is my younger brother’s birthday and after all these years I have come to the conclusion that it must really suck to have a birthday today! I mean Christmas is almost here and everyone is busy buying gifts and celebrating that day. So much so that birthdays sometimes get overlooked. I remember growing up whenever his birthday came around he…
One of the things that my baby brother loves to do is go Jeeping. Now that is not typically something that I do but he took me out the other day (you may have seen on Instagram) and we had a blast. At least I did until he tries to drive down the small waterfall with…
Friday the 13th
Today is that day! You know that day of the year when many believe that anything that can happen, will happen today. My Ma hates to even leave the house today which means we have a whole day of her telling everyone to be careful. I don’t normally subscribe to that philosophy however a year or so…
We’re So Excited!
That’s what the kids told me this morning! We will be leaving in about a week and they are just so excited. I’m sure what they are excited about other than just the trip itself because I haven’t really told them anything about what all we will be doing. Kids are funny that way! I…
Let the Countdown Begin
The countdown has officially began!! Christmas is now only 53 Days away not counting today and we are only 11 days away from leaving for our holiday travel. Today is a super busy day around our household because I am taking care of all of the last-minute stuff. You know things like putting the mail on hold,…
98 Days Til Christmas!
Can you believe there are only 98 sleeping days til Christmas? I have begun my planning for the holidays since I have to plan so much both in my life and on the blog. I thought I would share a few of those plans with you all and maybe even get a few ideas from…
Life Update
If you are a regular follower you may have noticed that there hasn’t been daily posting for a couple of months. I have been dealing with life in general among other things. However please know that there are still plenty of posts scheduled for here as well as an overhaul coming in the next couple…
Back to Scohool with
It is almost time for everyone to head back to school and if you have to purchase text books you already know that cost alone can get expensive. I have a wonderful alternative for you with where you can rent your textbooks and save a ton. I know what you are thinking! If you rent…
Mi Familia Keeps Me Going
Disclosure: This is part of a sponsored campaign with DiMe Media and Buena Vista Home Entertainment. However, all opinions expressed are my own. With the way things have been lately if it wasn’t for mi familia I would be mucho mas loca than I already am! It’s the truth and I’m not ashamed ot admit…
Child Hunger Ends Here {Code, Share a Photo, and More}
Disclosure: I am a Child Hunger Ends Here Ambassador. All opinions are 100% my own. Did you know that more than one in five children in the United States may not know where their next meal is coming from? That’s nearly 16 million children, a number that could fill 8,000 playgrounds. Is that no the…