Disclosure: This is part of paid campaign, however all opinions expressed are 100% my own and do not reflect those of the brand. You all know that I am all about saving money especially since I have a large family to provide for. I n fact I am always looking for ways to save and…
Getting Auto Parts Cheaper
Whether you are new to getting a car or have had one for years, one thing quickly becomes apparent to a car owner – owning a car is expensive. Between paying for your car note, getting proper insurance, regularly filling your car with expensive gas, and keeping your car well maintained, it can often feel…
Do You Choose a College Major for Interest or for Career Prospects?
When you finish high school and decide you want to go to college, you will have to choose your major. If you are lucky, you have an interest in a major that also leads to a really good career. However, most students don’t really know what they want to be when they’re older yet and…
Frequently Asked Questions on Car Finance for People with Bad Credit
Do you think you will be turned down for car finance because of your credit rating? If you do have poor credit, it is certainly true that you will struggle a bit more to obtain finance. However, there are some great bad credit auto loans options out there that you may wish to access instead….
4 Ways to Know You’re Great at Consulting
We all want to be good at something and we all generally are. But how do you know that you are good at a skill such as consulting, asks experienced consultant Marc Sporn? There are in fact a few distinct traits that consultants possess. As Sporn attests, few consultants actually realize they are qualified…
How to Love Your Most Unlovable Self
It is so easy to talk about love in the abstract. We do it all the time. We say that god so loved the world. But we are capable of regarding so much of the world with such disdain. We say that we love everybody. But what does that even mean? We do not morn…
Planning For My Retirement
This post was brought to you by J Women’s Network and Genworth. All opinions are my own. With everything that is going on in Washington I have begun to think more and more about my own retirement. When I worked out in the “real world” I had a 401K that was later rolled over into…
The Couponzier
When I learned I was getting the chance to review the Couponizer I was thrilled. I am the coupon queen. Every Sunday I buy two papers and get to clipping. I also print coupons online. The Couponizer system is designed to so that have the organization you need to save money. You get a great…