It is Friday again and I am running on three hours of sleep today. I would love to have some reason why but the truth is I couldn’t sleep last night and then was woken up this morning. So there you have it. The good news is I am not running around like a chicken…
Friday Conversations
Friday Conversations – June 21, 2024
Friday has rolled around again and I will tell y’all I don’t want to work today at all! I just don’t. There are a million other things I would rather be doing like going to the pool or the beach. It’s hot and since I am in menopause I have to the air on like…
Friday Conversations – June 14, 2024
It’s Friday again and I have no idea what the deal is today but I have been behind from the moment I woke up this morning. It is like I have had a million things to do and I am getting them done but not quickly enough. Maybe there have been too many distractions today….
Friday Conversations – June 7, 2024
It’s Friday again and time for another weekly catch-up. This week has been one of those weeks where things have been off but I couldn’t for the life of me tell you one thing that has made it that way. You ever have that feeling? It is so strange.
Friday Conversations – May 24, 2024
It’s Friday and a four day weekend for me! Yay!! Not really I am heading to the doctor’s office this morning with my knee still hurting and something in my eye I can’t get out. I am hoping the doctor will be able to get it out although I suspect that it is just a…
Friday Conversations – May 17, 2024
I am sure ya’ll have been wondering where the heck I have been? Well, last month (mid-month) I fell and hurt my knee. It was one of those moments where you go to sit in your desk chair and the chair goes flying out from under you. Well, I was too far into the seated…
Friday Conversations – April 12, 2024
Last Friday I thought things were going to go so much better. I was going to have so much done and get on track. Life said no you’re not! I did manage to get a few things done but I feel like there is more left undone on my list. Although I do feel as…
Friday Conversations – April 5, 2024
The first Friday of April and let me tell you my week has been so busy. Ma had surgery yesterday because of some skin cancer she had on her arm. Today she is in a lot of pain and let’s just say they had to cut out a fairly large piece on her forearm. That…
Friday Conversations – March 29, 2024
It’s Good Friday which is usually a day that we reserve for religious observations. This morning though I found out my cousin’s son was killed in a motorcycle accident yesterday. This particular cousin I don’t talk with often but am still fairly close to. Not as close as my brother is. I’m closer with this…
Friday Conversations – March 15, 2024
It is a rather rainy day here today although it has been rather nice all week until now. I slept in some this morning and am currently sitting here at almost 11:00 am in my nightgown. I just haven’t wanted to get dressed yet. I thought I would get a few things done and then…