Every industry has felt the effects of the internet, including the medical field. Its influence exists in several places. For example, patient portals have made it easier for patients to communicate with doctors. While information websites such as matterous.com give people the information they are seeking at their fignertips. Another way that the internet has revolutionized…
Health & Wellness
How to Take Care of a New Tattoo
Image Pexels CC0 License Are you considering getting a tattoo? There has been a massive uptick in the popularity of tattoos in recent years. Statistics from 2019 show 35% of adults in the US have at least one tattoo. As the amount of people with tattoos increases, the perception of body ink has changed too….
Just A Few Reasons to Treat Your Body As Your Temple (Beyond Looks Alone)
Pixabay CC0 License Just about everyone on the planet has heard the phrase “my body is my temple,” whether or not they personally adhere to that philosophy and live according to it. The saying has some pretty obvious ideas, attitudes, and behaviours associated with it – ranging from things like frequent exercise, to making sure…
5 Lazy Ways To Lose Weight
Pexels. CCO Licensed. You can’t lose weight without making some changes and putting some time and effort in. However, there are ways to lose weight without going for a gruelling hour run in the rain or having to cook complex meals from scratch. By adopting ‘lazy’ weight loss methods, you may be able to save…
How Do You Prevent Burnout When Working from Home?
When working from home, most people assume they cannot suffer from burnout, but they actually can. It can be overwhelming trying to juggle different activities, take care of the household chores, meet your work deadlines and create some time for yourself.
Superfoods Every Vegan Needs to Include in their Diet
Whether you’re just starting out on your vegan journey, or you are a long-time veteran, it’s incredible to make the decision to become healthier, and there’s no better method than veganism. But why stop there? Make sure to not only top up on essential nutrients, but consider these superfoods to boost your health further.
Strategies to Help to Improve Life with Chronic Pain
There are thousands and thousands of people in the country that are living with chronic pain. This means that each day can be tough and just doing some regular things can be a problem as they have to deal with pain just getting dressed or cleaning the house. So what can you do to help…
6 At-Home Workout Programs That Could Change Your Life, and Your Waistline
Image from Tirachard Kumtanom on Pexels Why waste hard-earned money on expensive workout equipment that sits in your home, takes up too much room and collects dust? Or on a gym membership that you never actually use? Did you know that many at-home workout programs can trim your waistline just as fast from the comfort…
What To Do After A Hearing Loss Diagnosis
Hearing loss, whether gradual or sudden, can be terrifying if you were born with it. The prospect of not being able to hear your children laugh or pick up the phone as you usually would can be extremely frightening. While losing your hearing is unfortunate, it is not the end of the world. Thankfully, we…
Ways To Prevent Avoidable Accidents In The Home
Image Credit The home is meant to be a safe sanctuary. However, without taking the proper safety measures, it can cause many injuries (both minor and major) you experience. A report shows that the annual average of deaths from unintentional home injuries from 2000 to 2009 had increased and stood at 30,569. This figure may…