How many of you put your Christmas tree up last night? Typically my family does as well. This year I admit that we put it up early but that was because I found the most awesome tree at Hammacher Schlemmer and they were so wonderful to send it to us. I have to give them a…
Finally My Turn!
I have spent the last few years updating the house bit by bit. Most all of the rooms are done and I am almost finished with the living room and dining room. I just need the rest of the chairs for the dining room table and it will be complete. The biggest part of the…
A Solar Water Heater?
They are building a house next door to mine and I have going inside as they made progress to check out all of the things they are putting in. One of the things that I noticed and had to ask about was a solar water heater. I didn’t even know there was such a thing…
Let’s Talk Construction
So my brother is getting ready to build a new home. There has been months of discussion. We have looked at more houses than I ever thought possible and there are things that he loves, things that he doesn’t, and well I could go on for a while. Everyday he has something new that he…
4 Tips to Split Your Rent Evenly with Roommates
Everyone dreams of landing that exquisite townhouse uptown, but springing for real estate is a massive financial decision. This is why it’s so common to rent property. If you manage to find a roommate to share space with, then your side of the monthly fees can diminish. But, how do you go about this without…
Updating the Stairs
I have been looking at houses lately trying to decide if we are finally going to move or not. I have a couple that I really like, in two different towns. However there are things that I dislike about both of them. Of course my brother reminded me that it was nothing more than a…
Going Solo
One of the things you realize when you are single is that many things you do or encounter you will be doing on your own. There isn’t anyone to be there with you. Sure you could find someone to go along but there will be times when there isn’t anyone. I have been thinking about…
Oh the Bugs!
One of things that summer always brings is bugs! Have I told you all how much I hate bugs! There are so many different types of bugs that are out in the south that I couldn’t name them all if I wanted to. I recently discovered that the bugs in Boston are super serious. At…
Second Home Hunting
If you are in a position to get a second home, say a holiday home or a place you want to stay in for half a year or so then you have certainly done well for yourself. Soaring house prices these days have priced most people out of buying one house let alone a second…