If you want to plan a birthday party for the kid in your life who is obsessed with unicorns, then read on! Throwing a themed party accompanied by gifts for family celebrations can be really successful, provided that you pay attention to the small details. It’s these details that really bring the wow factor and…
Outdoor Games for Groups of Kids
Remarkable things happen when kids play together outdoors. They have fun, sure, but they also engage in a wide range of behaviors they’ll repeat throughout their adult lives. Cooperation, communication, collective thinking, and critical problem solving as a group all get exercised when children play together.
French Kids Eat Everything by Karen Le Billon
I read this book back in 2012 and still live by it for the most part today. This book changed my life when I was struggling to get the kids to eat anything other the same old things day in and day out. I used the information in this book and now truly believe that…
School Run Safety
The return to normal life is upon us, meaning that at certain times of the day the streets around you are likely to be busier. You now don’t just need to contend with high levels of traffic when office workers start and finish, but also with the traffic going to and from local schools. Regardless…
Tips for throwing the perfect under 5s kids’ party
Kids love parties. Actually, what kids love is running riot while eating sugary treats and popping balloons. They think that’s what a party is. Alas, adults know differently. Parties require time, planning, attention to detail, extra time to fix any plans that might fall through, and a water tightitinerary to help all the other parents…
What Age To Start Babysitting
I think I was around ten when I started watching my younger siblings but I didn’t earn any money from it until I was in high school. I babysat the neighbors kids on the weekends sometimes and earned anywhere from $25 to $100 depending on how long they were gone and what all I had…
Foam Building Blocks from Premium Joy
Finding toys for little ones to play with is not always easy. At least it isn’t for me! I tend to be picky when it comes to toys but Premium Joy is certainly now on my list of approved companies. Their products are not only engaging but I adore the bright, vibrant colors. There is…
How to Encourage Kids to Start Playing Sports
There are many benefits to kids playing sports, and it is something that every parent should encourage. While some kids will happily go out and play just about any sport, many are more hesitant, and this could be for any number of different reasons. Confidence is often one of the primary reasons, but you will…
National Geographic Kids Books Summer Fun Giveaway
I loved National Geographic growing up. We had a subscription and I couldn’t wait for it to come in the mail so I could devour it. Now they have National Geographic Kids with all sort of books that my kids love.
The Parable Of The Sower Bible Story Coloring Page
The Parable Of The Sower Bible Story Summary For Christian Parents, Teachers & Children. Including a beautiful coloring page provided for free, Download it from here – https://fruitsofspirit.com/the-parable-of-the-sower/