One item that you will find at my house, in my car, and in my bag is baby wipes. They are such a must have in my life. Way back before I had children my siblings began having kids and I learned the value of having wipes with me all the time. There have been…
How to Get Your Child to Sleep
Getting your children to sleep allows them to be at their best and ready to take on the day. Better sleep allows children to be happier and full of life. They are more alert and easier to handle when they get a full night’s rest. How many hours of sleep do kids need? The amount…
5 Characteristics of a Great Nanny
Choosing to turn to a nanny for help with raising your child is a huge decision. You need to find the right nanny for your home, which means using a reputable firm like babysitting services. The nanny needs to fit into your family home and be very good at looking after your child or children….
Why Is Early Childhood Education Important?
Once your baby is born you need to start thinking about the right childcare for them. This may seem early but many people consider this before the child is even born. The simple fact is that early childhood education is important and you need to get a spot in the best child care Bendigo. That…
Three Important Elements of Building Healthy Relationships with Young Children
Children have the ability to absorb information, at a young age their brains are literally like sponges. That’s why it’s so important that you find the right, reputable, childcare Liverpool for them. The experience they have when they are young will shape them for the rest of their lives, you have a responsibility as a…
Holiday Gift Guide: Boxy Girls
Are ready for one of the hottest toys this season? Okay it may not be the hottest in your home but I can tell you that when I received the toy shipment I spent two days attempting to hide it. One little slip and my kids would have tore through those things before I could…
Holiday Gift Guide: Flipazoo
How many of you are looking at stuffed animals for your gift giving this holiday season? Have you heard of Flipazoo? I hadn’t either until I received the product. I love finding or being introduced to new items and this is going to be one of the hottest items this year. At least in my…
Norm of the North: King Sized Adventure
I love watching movies with the kids. They always make me laugh so hard. That is why we loved Norm of the North: King Sized Adventure as much as we did. This is certainly going to be a movie that goes into the portal dvd player while traveling next month.
Meet Robot Bunnies!
I don’t know about y’all but a soft cuddly blanket is a favorite for everyone in my home. That is why I was so intrigued by Robot Bunnies. Yes, that is the name of the company. Isn’t it great?
Playing with Plasmart
Spring has arrived and we are spending more time in the yard. That means we spend time cleaning the yard as well. I love making sure that the kids get out there and play or even help a little. I can remember growing up that my father always made us go outside and just be…