The second month of the year is already down and I actually wrote a couple of different posts for this month depending on how things went with my surgery. If you are reading this particular post it means they didn’t go as planned.
Month in Review
Month in Review – January 2023
The first month of a brand new year is coming to an end. Can you believe that? It seems like yesterday that we were ringing in 2023. It is so funny how time flies when we are adults. As children it seems like it takes forever for anything to happen. I know it is because…
Month in Review – October 2022
Can you believe there are only two months left in the year? It seems like yesterday that we were celebrating the beginning of the year. The last couple of months have been a bit of a rollercoaster but I feel like that is coming to an end now. I am beginning to get my feet…
Month in Review – September 2022
September is pretty much over and October will be starting soon. I am more than ready for October to get here. Did I ever tell y’all I love Halloween? I do but not the spooky aspect to it. I am a closet Halloween decorator. I love putting up things that just scream Halloween but not…
Month in Review – August 2022
August is over and September is finally here. I love September because it usually means that fall is coming soon. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. The weather is cool enough for sweaters but not overly cold. Short sleeves can still be worn without you looking crazy. It is also when…
Month in Review: July 2022
Can you believe it is the end of July already? Where has the year gone? While the year is quickly passing us by, I hope that y’all are out there living it. We will be headed back home soon and I am excited for that but I am also very nervous. I had some personal…
Month in Review: June 2022
Wow! I can’t believe that June is over. Isn’t that crazy? We are on the last day of the month which means the year is halfway through as well. Tomorrow is the beginning of the big holiday weekend and that means there is so much to do. For us it means also getting ready for…
Month in Review: May 2022
The end of May has arrived and, starting tomorrow, the year will be half over. Isn’t that just crazy? It seems that way to me. How has the weather been in your area? It is hot as hell here! I swear it seems to get hotter and hotter every single day. I was out early yesterday…
Month in Review: April 2022
April saw our doctor’s appointments slow down a bit. There weren’t as many and although other things happened I could not be more thrilled that it slowed down as much as it did. I completed my sleep study last night and am waiting for those results. Y’all know how much I hate waiting for them….
Month in Review: March 2022
March has been nothing but doctors, doctors, and more doctors. I swear I will be so happy when all of this is over. Maybe it’s not over, but at least he calmed down a little bit. I need things to even out and slow down so we can have a break from the medical professionals….