You read that correctly, today I turned 45and I thought we should all celebrate! This year has been full of ups and downs so far. the last two months have been difficult but today I am going to celebrate. Celebrate not only that I am turning another year older but also that I have the…
5 Things I Can’t Live Without
I wrote this post originally on A Lucky Grace but after moving those posts and going through I decided this was better over here. I expanded on it and hope that you enjoy it. We all know there are things and people that we just can’t live without. I mean we need oxygen, I need…
Let’s Talk Nails
This was another ALG post that I moved over here. It is just one of the beauty ones I have. I don’t know about y’all but it was only just a few short years ago (like eight) when I let my nails grow out. I was a bitter I’m embarrassed to say. It was a…
Letter to My 20 Year Old Self
I wrote this a year ago over at A Lucky Grace. With that site going through changes I thought I would share it with y’all here. When you reach my age (I’m 42 if you’re wondering) you look back from time to time and wonder if you would have done things differently if you could….
8 Before 8
I love how a good blog post can make you rethink things. The other day I was reading this post and realized that I have a huge list of things I too attempt to get done. Most days I’m going be honest with you and tell you I run around like a chicken with her…
I Suck at Fitness Goals
If that statement is the statement of the year! No matter how hard I try, no matter what it is that I seem to do I can’t manage to keep a single fitness goal. I did manage it one or twice last year but for some reason this year is a bust so far. I…
Yoga is Hard
I originally shared this over at A Lucky Grace. Things there are changing and I am moving some posts here. I thought I would share it with y’all today in case you never saw it. Not too long ago I thought I would give yoga a try. I felt like it would help me be…
A Beginning NOT An End
I was raised a Roman Catholic. However, my parents always allowed us to choose our on religious views. Whatever they be. Over the years I have been to many churches and “checked out” many different religions. I have searched for that feeling or whatever it is other people get. Somewhere along the way I discovered…
Excited to Workout…Not! I’m Lazy!
It’s the truth! I hate to workout and will come up with any excuse not to do that. I wish I was one of those people who got up and rushed to the gym. I have to make myself get up and do anything that even resembles fitness.
30 Days of Me: Day 13
Day 13 —The best things to happen to you this week. Okay this may seem so stupid but the best things that happen to me this week are of course the new design getting finished and uploaded but also this water leak. The reason is because through the nightmare that this is I have found an inner…