Title: The Gryphon Series Author: Stacey Rourke Genre: YA Fantasy Publisher: Anchor Group Publishing Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Reviews & Giveaways
Dark Bishop by CL Bond and Rachael Brownell Sale Blitz
Title: Dark Bishop Author: C.L. Bond & Rachael Brownell Genre: Dark Romance Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Lily by Ciara Knight Release Day Blitz
Title: Lily Author: Ciara Knight Genre: Sweet Romance Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Rogue by Jaci Wheeler Release Day Blitz
Title: Rogue Author: Jaci Wheeler Genre: YA Dystopian Hosted by: Lady Amber’s PR
Bandits by LM Preston Cover Reveal & Giveaway
Title: Bandits Series Author: LM Preston Genre: YA / Scifi / Fantasy Publisher: Phenomenal One Press Editor: Cindy Davis Cover Designer: We’ve Got You Covered Hosted by: Lady Amber’s Reviews & PR
Morning Tea with 5amily
[maxbutton id=”11″ ] As many of you are aware I now drink tea and have given up coffee altogether. It was not easy for me but I feel much better for it. Now if I could just give up the sodas. I have found it is much easier to give up something if you get…
Say Hello to Hive! #LetsGetLiving #ad
I was so thrilled when I was selected as a Hive Ambassador which means you are going to see a lot of things in the coming weeks. Now I know you are all are thinking the same thing! What in the world is Hive? Well let me tell you a little about it and show you…
Estate Agent Speak Decoded!
Pexels Every job has its very own jargon and lingo that everyone in that industry or business can understand. For instance, if you sit in an office full of computer geeks coding various websites, I’m sure you won’t be able to understand a word that they say to one another! That’s because you won’t have…
July 2017 #CameraGiveaway
One of the most popular giveaways I have ever done here at Rita Reviews has been my camera giveaways. I have thought about stopping them but I really think my readers would riot if I did that so I will keep doing them for the foreseeable future. Each month this year there will once again…
Fitness on the Go #RRTravel2017
One thing I knew would be difficult while I was away would be fitness., I wasn’t staying at a hotel with a gym. At least not yet and I didn’t want to pay for a membership I would use for a few weeks. I could go with my brother to his gym as a guest…