There’s something satisfying about starting a fresh month with a plan. It’s like opening a brand-new notebook—full of possibility, organization (at least in theory), and the hope that I’ll finally get my life together. So, this month, I decided to actually go through my checklist and make sure I was hitting all the small but…
Self Confessions
Complete Digital Detox
I’m not saying my phone is permanently attached to my hand, but if you asked me to set it down for more than five minutes, I might break out in a cold sweat. Between emails, social media, group chats, and the endless rabbit hole of the internet, my screen time was getting out of control….
Learning to Sew – My New Hobby
One of the things on my January Checklist was to start a new hobby and let me tell you I am so glad that I did. My granny tried to teach me to sew years ago and I did okay but I never really learned. It wasn’t a big deal but I am short and…
A Very Holiday Mishap
As the holiday season approached, I decided this year would be different. I’d finally get a jumpstart on my Christmas preparations instead of scrambling at the last minute like a contestant on a holiday game show. So, I made a plan: I would decorate the house, bake cookies, and maybe even attempt to wrap presents…
Coffee Break: The State of Things
I know that it seems as though I have been a bit MIA lately and I have to some degree. Personal posts have taken a backseat to a lot of other things. Nothing horrible. I have just been feeling overwhelmed to some degree. There is no excuse or reason behind it. It just is. I…
The Joys and Struggles of Turning 48
Turning 48 is a milestone that will happen for me this week, a blend of joy and struggle, marked by both humor and wisdom. As I approach this new chapter in my life, I find myself reflecting on the changes and experiences that come with it. From dealing with a body that doesn’t quite work…
2 Eat, Pray, Love Quotes that Changed My Life
I am sure that most of you have either read the book or seen the movie by now. If you have not read the book then I highly recommend it. There are two quotes in that book that changed my life. The book is full of wonderful quotes but for me these two impacted me. …
Sometimes Social Media Is Too Much
Like most of y’all I spend time each day scrolling through social media. I will say that over the last year I have noticed that sometimes it can be simply too much. I mean, at what point in our lives did we decide that it was okay to say or write things about people that…
5 British Television Shows I Adore | 25 Days of Me
I posted this last year but the truth is I still love these shows and it really sheds light on who I am more. If you have been with me for a while then you already know how much I enjoy British television. There are many reasons why but one of the biggest is that…
Weird Things | 25 Days of Me
I posted this one before but it is still true of me now. This was from a list of thirty prompts that I shared and then answered each one. This one was Weird things you do when you’re alone. I listed a couple of things an thought I would go back and share them a…