Christmas is one of my favorite holidays but let’s be honest for a moment. Christmas can be awkward as all get out sometimes. I mean it’s the holiday where you meet new relatives, come face to face with the relatives that you hate or aren’t talking to at the moment, or worse. On top of…
Most Embarrassing Hospital Visit Ever!
We all have that one visit to the hospital, emergency room, or doctor’s office that is just embarrassing. There is something about the visit that is just the worst. I had that months ago when I had to take a trip to the emergency room. I take a pill called Lasix, which makes me pee…
Waiting.. Waiting.. You Get the Picture
I know I have been talking about the doctors’ visits and such a lot lately. Hopefully, that is where our daily lives have taken us the most in the last couple of months. It seems like every single time one sees a doctor, they have another test or specialist that they need to see. I…
A New Planner or Two
Recently, I bought a new planner, thinking it would be a good thing. I had some custom stickers made and began using them. What I quickly discovered was that it was okay but not what I needed. It was too big and bulky to carry in my purse, and I really needed to carry one…