Not so long ago, a couple of months to be exact, I had to visit the Cancer Center of our local hospital. If you have been with me for a little while then you most likely have read the updates each week and a bit about the journey. I will say that I was so nervous when…
Self Confessions
Emotional Rollercoaster
One thing having CHF (congestive heart failure) does is send you on an emotional rollercoaster. Some days I will be perfectly fine and happy. The next, I’m ready to just give up. A lot of this was due to the new diet plan I was placed on. It made me want to give up, but…
20 Things That Make Me Happy
It’s no secret that the last year has been tough, and this year has been more than a little challenging. I have been going through some rather difficult and trying times. There were many things that I’ve experienced—most of which I wish I hadn’t. I would love to say I was just in a “rut,”…
Struggling with Body Image
I passed by the mirror in my bedroom recently and saw myself. I have put back on a few pounds and am struggling a bit with the diet the doctor has me on. It is something we are working on together. Anyway, I looked in the mirror and all I thought was, “What a fat…
About Dying
When they told me I had chf (congestive heart failure), my doctor said that the best outcome we could hope for was five years. At the moment, they simply couldn’t give me more than that. The hope was for longer, and there are plenty of people who live longer than that, but he didn’t want…
An Updated About Me.. Sort Of
Last week, I realized I needed to update my bio not only on the blog, but also across all of my social media platforms.That got me to thinking about how odd this whole world of blogging and social media can be. I mean, we all spend so much time scrolling through someone’s feed or reading…
The French Girl’s Guide to Everything
Back in October I stumbled across a blog post that changed my life. It was The French Girl’s Guide to Self Care and I can’t tell what made me want to click on the link. I was on Pinterest and the pin for the article was there but something made me click. Once I did…
Embracing Your Mess Part 2
For those of you coming into this post it is best to start with the first part prior to reading this one. Although this could be read by itself, it does start in the middle of the story and you will feel like you are missing something important.
Embracing Your Mess Part 1
This year I am embracing who I am and not who everyone thinks I need to be. My life is a mess and, it is mine. In all, it’s uncertainty, confusion, beauty, and struggle. Life is hard in the best of times. Add in years of being who others expect you to be and, you…
Run the Year Challenge
This year I did a thing or rather I am doing a thing. No it is not actually running even though that is what the challenge is called. It is the Run the Year Challenge and I was excited when I found this back in October of last year. I had watched a piece on…