Finally one last post in the 30 Days of Me from 2013 that I thought I would repost for day 21 of the 25 Days of Me . The prompt for this was What does your name mean? Why were you named what you were named? I had to look up what my name actually means because…
Self Confessions
Food, Glorious Food | 25 Days of Me
On day 20 of the 25 Days of Me I wanted to say, if you didn’t already know, that I love food. I’m talking food is one of the things I will straight up attend a gathering for and I hate going to those. It is also one of hte things I love about the holidays the…
Something No One Knows: 25 Days of Me
This was another 30 Days of Me from 2013 that I thought I would repost for day 19 of the 25 Days of Me . The prompt for this was simply Something about yourself no one knows about you. I shared something that was a bit TMI maybe but it got a good response. I thought I…
When No One is Looking: 25 Days of Me
Welcome to day 17 of the 25 Days of Me and I thought I would share this post again that I originally wrote in 2012. I did a little updating to it as well and I will say this is something that I still do. Do you have something that you do when no one is watching? …
Childhood Plans: 25 Days of Me
It’s day 16 of the 25 Days of Me and today I wanted to reshare this post from 2012. I wrote this as I was looking back on my childhood dreams and plans. That I learned was that life took me in a different direction altogether. What did you want to be when you grew up? I…
A Self Portrait of a Sort: 25 Days of Me
It’s day 8 of the 25 Days of Me and today I want to share my self portrait of a sorts. When you have a mental illness the way you see yourself is not always the accurate picture. In fact, what you see and what other people see is two different things. Most days I see…
Born in the Toilet: 25 Days of Me
Did that headline grab your attention? You did read that correctly, I was not born in the hospital and my birth story is one that my parents loved to tell over and over again. It is one of those that would make the news today and did make our local little paper. Up til a…
Middle Child: 25 Days of Me
Welcome to the first day of 25 Days of Me! Today I thought I would start with something pretty easy and that is the fact I am a middle child. Yep, that explains so much right? There are four of us and I will explain how I am the middle and an oldest all at…
25 Days of Me
I did something like this several years ago and I thought it would be fun to do it again. A kind of way to fill the void that December sometimes brings, especially as we all take the time to enjoy the holidays. For me, December means a little less work but at the same time…
The Mountain of Medical Bills
I have made no secret about the fake that I am sick here on the blog. My hospital stay in July left me with a $40,000 bill just for the stay itself. Add in the emergency visit, the specialist that all came in, then the tests, and well you can see where I am going…