Age may be just a number in most cases. However, it is a different story when it comes to health care. Though a fair percentage of people manage to stay healthy irrespective of this number, it is not the case with everyone. People become more vulnerable to all ailments as they grow older. Their bodies…
Senior Citizens
Busiest Week of the Year
At least that is how the schedule for this week looks and feels. Ma is having eye surgery this morning and while it is a fairly simple one she is nervous. That means taking her to the surgery center and then I have to be on the premises the entire time. It also means she…
What are the Most Common Abuses in Nursing Homes?
There are over 271 registered nursing homes in Philadelphia. Abuse of the elderly in nursing homes is a big problem. According to a GAO investigation, as many as one in ten nursing home residents experience physical, psychological, or sexual abuse each year.
How Seniors Can Improve Their Energy Levels
Whereas in the past it seemed as though seniors really were that – senior – nowadays people termed ‘senior’ are simply those over sixty-five or so. They may still be working, they will likely still be active, and they will often be living their lives just as they did ten, twenty, or thirty years ago.
A Diagnosis & Financial Relearning
My mother is the strongest woman I know. She raised four children while managing the finances for a household of six. Not to mention did most of it alone a good portion of the time. My father worked endlessly so my mother wouldn’t have to. Although she did hold down a job once we were…
Exciting Things to Do After You Retire
It’s not easy to retire. You must make many decisions about your life after the big day arrives, and there are plenty of ways to do so! This blog will discuss some of the best things to do when you finally get that retirement package in your hand. From traveling around the world with your…
6 Surprising Tips for Healthy Aging
As you age, you’re likely to experience mental and physical health issues. These may include reduced physical strength, mobility, energy levels, body balance, hearing and vision. According to one survey, approximately 80% of senior Americans struggle with a chronic illness. Fortunately, you can incorporate some lifestyle changes to ensure healthy aging. Read this quick guide…
4 Ways to Improve Quality of Life for Seniors
At no point should a senior citizen be content with mere existence. Instead, a senior citizen’s life must be filled with quality elements that enhance their overall wellbeing. Considering that poor mental health affects over 6 million senior citizens, it is critical to impact their lives positively. How much of a difference have you made…
How to Hire the Right Caregiver for Your Loved Ones
We all want the best for the people we care about, especially our parents and grandparents. However, you cannot always be sure whether the person you hired to take care of them was a good choice. There are many factors that you need to consider before giving such an important and responsible job to someone….
7 Reasons To Buy A Granny Flat In Sydney
The NSW government has provided it simpler and quicker to construct a granny flat in Sydney. They want to assist parents in creating a room for those who need it, such as aged parents or generation Y children who haven’t yet left the house, and if you are planning for building a granny flat so…