When was the last time you received a handwritten thank you note? Chances are it was the last time you gave someone a wedding gift. That is when most people write them nowadays. The real question is how did you feel when you received it? I bet you were overjoyed that they took the time…
Magicauthor.com founded by Mr.Saptharishi Suresh
I have something interesting to share with you today. If you are thinking about writing and publishing your own book this could be the platform for you to use. As someone who has worked with authors who have self-published I can tell you there have have been times they struggled. There are lots of tools…
Ever Consider a Custom Writer?
The other day I was chatting with some friends and one asked me if I ever used a custom writer. If you don’t know a custom writer is someone who hire to write for you. In fact, there are places like CustomWritings.com where you can do just that. You can go over and purchase a…
A Few Types of Writing That You Should Definitely Try Out
If you’re a writer, you should push yourself and try new things. These days, many people run their own blogs and fill them with ideas and ramblings. But that’s only one way to write. There are so many alternative forms of writing out there that you should try. By trying them out, you might even…