The truth is that most people simply love steak but they do not really know how to cook it properly. In many cases tenderizing is something that is simply unacceptable. If you want to tenderize your steak you should know that it does not matter what knives you use or what other tools you take advantage of. What is really important can easily be learned. Steak tenderizing is quite easy and you want to learn how to do this properly so that you are sure the steak will be tender, delicious and juicy.
For starters you should be aware of the fact that using a really good cut (for instance Filet Mignon), steaks do not actually need to be tenderized. Cheaper cuts like the really popular sirloin steak or the New York strip will most likely not be easy to tenderize.
Spiked sided mallets will be needed for starters. Meat mallets will break down tough fibers. Flat sides will offer meat a very proper texture. When a meat mallet is not present, forks can be used to make really small holes. Do this all over your steak. You will end up working more but the result will be the same. Spiked sides should never be used when flattening some of the meats, like the popular and loved chicken breast.
You can also score your steak in order to tenderize it. Crisscross diamond patterns will be made, every cut being one inch apart. Do this for both steak sides and never forget the actual sides or you will end up with a curled up steak. Obviously, steak thickness will have an impact on the result, together with how the meat is going to be cooked. If you are currently new to cooking a steak, find a recipe that is as detailed as possible, together with instructions.
Cooking Time
This is always the most important thing you want to take into account when you cook a steak, together with the temperatures that you cook the steak at. It does not matter if you use your meat mallet or the other method we highlighted above. It is also not important to think about the recipe if you overcook your steak. You want to be sure you always watch the steak properly so that you never overcook it.
If your steak remains undercooked, this is not a problem since you just need some extra minutes in your pan or on your grill. If the meat is overcooked the meat is a huge problem and you cannot do anything but use another steak. Make sure that after you cook the steak you let it rest for around 10 minutes or less. Juices redistribute and steaks are going to end up really tender and juicy.
Practice will always make perfect. It is important that you practice with different cuts and meat types. In time you are going to be able to tenderized the steak in a really proper way, making your cooking a delight for every single person that tries it.
I did grocery shopping today and just put some sirloin steaks (Hubz’ request) in the fridge not 5 minutes ago, wondering how the heck to make sure they come out tender. No joke, I was planning to google this very topic as I don’t cook many steaks in the kitchen. For these, I think I will try the criss-cross scoring–like I said, I don’t cook many steaks and don’t own a mallet (I use my rolling pin on chicken breasts lol) Thank you…Perfect Timing!
These are great tips. I use a meat mallet and also we like to experiment with marinades.
Good info! Tenderizing meat really helps the flavor and cooking process! 🙂
This is really helpful! Our problem is the steak smoking and setting off the fire alarm in our small apartment. I love a grilled steak, (charcoal) the flavor cannot be beat.
Good tips! I like mine well done, but after poking with a fork (and using a bottled meat tenderizer if a tough cut) I usually get a nice juicy steak. Top for this e that like well done – a nice marbled cut like rib eye is better than super lean.
eek – sorry for the spelling issues – it’s late 😛
These are really great ideas. Thanks for sharing.
I am terrible when it comes to cooking steak. I let my husband make it. He is so good at making a really good steak. He watched Gordon Ramsey youtube video and has perfected the steak.
I should try to let my meat rest after I cook it. I always forget that part!
This is good info, as I sometimes get London broil and it would need tenderizing, it would be so much easier to chew!
Awesome tips.the pic looks yummy .I always tenderize our steaks with a fork but sometimes don’t work out if it’s a bad cut.but gonna try ur tips above the keep on posting
I love a great steak and that’s why I leave the grilling to my husband..only thing is waiting 10 people really wait 10 minutes? I love a hot steak right off the grill..I always think about the 10 minutes but I have no will
Nice. What about using marinades such as those with apple cider vinegar? I use this a lot. Thanks!
We almost never eat steak in the winter. My husband really dislikes the smell of any meat cooking in the house, so if it doesn’t go in the oven, it has to be on the grill. It’s been so cold that getting the grill hot has been a challenge!
I agree it is important to allow the steak to rest. It really makes a difference.
Thanks for the tips. I just got a new gas grill for Christmas, and I can’t wait to use it.
I did know know this! Thanks I love my steak!
My husband is the one who does our steaks. I don’t know if he tenderizes them or not. I do know he tends to bake them low first then grill them at the end.
This is very helpful. I have never cooked a steak. I always make my husband cook it.
Ah, a steak.. I remember those. Haven’t had one in a long time. Will try this.
Wow, who knew? I love steak but get so tired of pounding it to get it more tender. I sure can’t afford those expensive cuts from the butcher at the meat counter of my local grocery store. Thanks for this! It is so very appreciated!!