This is another new feature that will be showing up every week. Feel free to leave a comment about what you are thankful for today! The idea is that if you don’t do it everyday at least once a week to sit down and come of up with at least 3 things that you are thankful for. Once you start you will be surprised how easily it will come to you.
This week I am Thankful For:
These beautiful leaves that are covering our yard
My family because they make me who I am.
The feeling of hope that has returned to my life.
Thank you Lord for all that you have not only done for me but for all that you continue to do each and every day.
I’m thankful for my loving and hard working other half.
For my 3 healthy children.
And for my sister she’s was like my own daughter I love her and can’t wait to see her next month
I am Thankful for my relationship with Jesus.
I am thankful for my Dad who is 82, and still helping me!
I am thankful for my home that I live in.
I’m thankful for my husband whom I love and receive love from and who provides for family.
I am thankful for our amazing, healthy and vivacious daughter.
I am thankful to have such a great family, extended family and friends.
I am thankful for my husband, the home we have no matter how humble, the food we eat and so many other things.
I’m most thankful for my two wonderful little boys.
I am thankful for my Mom and Dad who are still alive!
Thankful for the food we eat everyday!
and thankful that we have a house I can call home!