I am thankful
that I survived last year! I honestly didn’t think I would and there were a few moments that were less than graceful. My faith was on super shaky ground last year but things are going to be better. I know they are although I am not such an optimistic as to say that this year will be better than last cause it can’t be worst. I said that last January and boy was I proven wrong.
I need prayers
for all my goals for this year. I need a little help getting through them and I hope that you all will say a little prayer for. Please know that I pray for each and every one of you everyday and I hope that your year is utterly amazing.
As always you and your family will be in my prayers. I will pray that God helps you to see through to all the goals you have for this year.
I would appreciate a few prayers this week for my daughter. She will be having surgery towards the end of the week.
I am a firm believer that you can never have to many prayers. Thank you!
Thank you for your prayers Tammy and I will pray for your daughter. I know she has had a tough time.
Thanks Rita! We will take all the extra prayers we can get!
I am praying for you and your goals for the year.
Thank you so much Brenda.
I’m thankful for the amazing family that I have been blessed with, an amazing specialist that cares about my well being
Those are wonderful things to be thankful for!