I recently had to change out of coffee pot because we were making three or four pots a morning. When I say we I really mean my mother and my uncle. So I purchased this 40 cup commercial urn for us to use. What was their response? I think my uncle was a little ashamed. He said jut make half a pot to begin with. I just got tired of only getting one cup of coffee in the mornings. I would get one cup and everyone else would drink the rest of it.
All of this coffee has had me thinking lately. We use a lot of stuff in my home. We have started working from a budget and it is tough for some but has really brought my attention to all I the things we but and use that we may not need to. The thing is that before my uncle moved in we only made one pot of coffee in the mornings. Now my mother will drink coffee all day so other single cups in the Keurig was made for her throughout the day but that was pretty much it.
We now go through twice the amount of food, laundry detergent, dish-washing liquid, just about everything. All I keep thinking is how in the world does one person consume this much in any given day. My children eat less! He is also really bad about giving the kids ice cream and other snacks after they have been told they cannot have anymore. We recently went through a gallon of ice cream in one day when before it would have lasted all month.
All I can say is your a better woman then I am. I don’t know if I could take in another person. It is tough enough with kids, I don’t think I could do it. Especially if that other person is like another child. 🙂
I so agree with Tammy. I have teens and it’s hard enough to get them to do stuff nevermind having enough food for everyone.