In The Eden Prescription by Ethan Evers, Dr. Elliot Lindell has come up with a formula, using all natural ingredients, that essentially cures several forms of cancer. Annika Guthrie, while working with Chromogen, secretly gives this formula to cancer patients. Just the formula, nothing else. Miraculously, they all get better. However, they’re all killed off once Chromogen gets word of what’s going on. From there, it becomes Annika and Lindell versus Chromogen, and in many cases, Chromogen’s competitor, Mitogenica. Billions of dollars are at stake for the pharmaceutical companies, and when that much money is involved, you know it’s going to get violent.
Evers spent years researching all the information, studies, and science behind natural medicine for cancer, and it shows. I think there are a few times when all the research shows a little too much. there are a few points in the book where there seems to be a lot of scientific information. That aside this is a great read! It is on par with the Jason Bourne novels (no, I don’t know who wrote those.) There is plenty of suspense and mystery to make up for the science. I couldn’t put the book down.
Rita’s Recommendation:
I would recommend this book for adults. While teens may enjoy the book I feel the story line may be a bit much for them.
I really like the premise of this book. The storyline sounds almost Sci-Fi, but at the same time, it's something that could really happen.