Have you seen The Little Things? It is currently in theaters and on HBO Max at the moment. We watched the other night. When I saw we, I mean me, Ma, and my uncle after the kiddos went to bed. Before I give you my take on this movie let me tell you a little about it.

Academy Award winners Denzel Washington (“Training Day,” “Glory”), Rami Malek (“Bohemian Rhapsody”) and Jared Leto (“Dallas Buyers Club”) star in the psychological thriller “The Little Things.” John Lee Hancock (“The Blind Side,” “Saving Mr. Banks,” “The Founder”) directed the film from his own original screenplay.
Kern County Deputy Sheriff Joe “Deke” Deacon (Washington) is sent to Los Angeles for what should have been a quick evidence-gathering assignment. Instead, he becomes embroiled in the search for a killer who is terrorizing the city. Leading the hunt, L.A. Sheriff Department Sergeant Jim Baxter (Malek), impressed with Deke’s cop instincts, unofficially engages his help. But as they track the killer, Baxter is unaware that the investigation is dredging up echoes of Deke’s past, uncovering disturbing secrets that could threaten more than his case.
“The Little Things” is produced by Oscar- and Emmy-winning producer Mark Johnson (“Breaking Bad,” “Rain Man”) and Hancock, with Mike Drake and Kevin McCormick serving as executive producers.
Warner Bros. Pictures presents A Gran Via Production, “The Little Things” will be distributed worldwide by Warner Bros. Pictures. The film has slated for release on January 29, 2021 in theaters and on HBO Max and has been rated R for violent/disturbing images, language and full nudity.
I need to let you know that while the trailer above does have adult images and themes. There is blood and such as this is a murder mystery. I just wanted to be sure y’all knew so no one clicked and then freaked out.
My Thought on The Little Things
First this is a very different movie than what we are use to seeing Denzel Washington in. It is much slower paced than I thought it would be. Not so slow that it is boring but not as much action. This is certainly a phycological thriller.
There is so much that I want to say about this movie but am afraid to because I don’t want to give anything away. Let me say that the ending let me with more questions than answers. It was one of those, “I did NOT see that coming” sort of endings.
Deke (Washington) is back in LA in what should be a quick grab the evidence and go trip. Instead everything seems to hold him there and he finds himself at a crime scene.
Tensions in LA run high amongst the police officers there where Deke is concerned. You know right away there is some history there and it ain’t all good.
There are plenty of hints dropped and seen about Deke’s past in LA and as he helps solve this mystery I began to wonder about him. Honestly in the end I was left with a who was really the bad guy feeling. I think that was done on purpose. I will say after watching it I have far more unanswered questions than I had in the beginning.
I can not wait to see this movie. I am a mega Denzel Washington fan he is wonderful and I wish he was in more movies.
This movie sound like one we would love. I really like Rami Malek and Denzel so that caught my attention reight away.
I am excited to see this movie!
This looks like something my husband and I would enjoy watching together.
I have been wanting to see this. I just havent had the time to sit and relax to watch it.
I am excited to see this movie!
I really like Denzel Washington and have never seen a movie that he was in that wasn’t good. This does sound different from his norm. I’m sure it is good and we will probably watch it this week end but I’m not sure if I’m going to like the ending. I usually do not like being left with a lot of questions, but I will see. I have not heard of this one until now and do look forward to watching. Thanks for a great review, as you always do.
I’ll watch anything with Denzel
sound good