As a mother I have encountered so many different stains that truthfully little fazes me anymore. However there was once a stain that was not only so bad but so surprising that I couldn’t believe it. This was years before I had children of my own. My niece was staying at Ma’s and my mother had the most beautiful champagne colored carpet ever, She had waited until all us kids were grown before she had any carpet that may show stains.
Now, my niece was only two at the time, my father had recently passed away, and things were a little stressed. Since it was just me and the little spawn of Satan I thought it would be such an easy day. Little did I know! She got hungry and asked for something to eat, then asked if she could sit on the floor in living room. I told she could sit at the coffee. I didn’t think anything about it since the dining room had carpet as well. She wanted Spaghetti O’s, you know those canned things.
Gave her the food, went to get her something to drink, and then when I came back it happened. She looked right at me, and I kid you not smiled, and dumped her bowl on the carpet. I almost died. It was in that moment that I almost understood why people spanked their kids cause I had never wanted to spank a child as much. However, I had other issues to deal with. Like how to get the stain out before my mother came home and spanked me.
If you have never attempted to get a spaghetti stain out of carpet, I will tell you it ain’t easy! I rubbed that sucker until my arm hurt and all that did was make the stain worse. My older brother came in and the first words out of his mouth were “WHAT DID YOU DO?” I told him that his demon-child niece did that. He burst into laughter and after a few minutes I told him to stop laughing and help me because he had a whole pack of demon children so he knew how to get that crap up.
I made such a mess and he made sure to tell me that I made it worse. Apparently you don’t rub spaghetti you pat it. I had no idea and didn’t use anything on it because I was afraid it would make it all worse than I was. Big brother came back with a bottle of bleach that had me paling. I had this vision of our mother coming home and seeing this nightmare of a mess and then killing us. I could just imagine her attempting to get blood out of her carpet.
I was nervous about the bleach because it’s bleach but surprisingly it worked. He told me he had to water it down some and then you carefully blot and pat once you spray the bleach only on the stain. It took him about twenty minutes to get all up. When it was over the carpet clean and both my brother and I were happy with the results. My niece wasn’t so happy since she had spent the entire time sitting in the corner. No, I didn’t spank her no matter how much I had wanted to. Ma never found out either. It is one of those secrets that siblings keep for one another. At least until she reads this post and then well who knows.
We have beige carpet and it shows everything. So when our senior cat gifts us with hairballs it is a nightmare. I use Dawn dish soap and hot water followed b Resolve pet stain remover.
Oh goodness. We don’t have a cat but I’ve had them in the past and they can be a handful when it comes to stains. I never tried Dawn and will have to remember that.
It sucks I get stains all the time with a cat in the house and carpet
That would suck. I can’t imagine it with the carpet I have now.